Re: Teleporting & Troop movement revised
No, what Micah means is that while the unit has a feeblemind affliction, it never goes nuts and turns red and does a "Funeral for the Dead" or "R'lyeh is Rising". You can always command a feebleminded unit every turn, no matter how insane it is or how much its soul is shattered.
If you've got some 100-insanity unit that you'd really like to move to another province, you could theoretically move an Oath-Rod-of-Kurgi-wielding unit in, feeblemind the insane unit so you can now give it commands, move it to whatever province you want it in (since you can now give it commands because it is feebleminded), and then use the Chalice to make it not feebleminded any more. But then it will start doing random insane stuff again.
Since dying does not remove shattered soul or insanity, RoR is not going to help you.
It is kind of nice that crappy feebleminded tartarians that are summoned as commanders don't ravage your temples.
And since a 100-insanity unit can't do much except guard provinces, it might even be worth it to feeblemind it permanently so you can get some combat use out of it, if it's some big beefy beast. Or if it's a completely insane 400-gold mage and your income is on life support, you could feeblemind it in order to send it off to die.
But if you're on the defensive, having a totally insane EA mage scripted to Rain of Stones on whoever dares to venture into his province is probably better, even if you can never ever give him orders on the map screen.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.