Originally Posted by pyg
I cast this in Betelgeuse2 turn ~45 to try it out and announce war with everyone. It was dispelled (not defeated iirc) ~8 turns later but ended up being totally worth it as it took out most of the prophets in the game. I did end up short on Nature gems so I probably shouldn't have done it.
You still won by Dom-kill.

And it
was defeated - by one of my priests, actually.

What is interesting in this case - Lord managed to kill my prophet (Dis) and I both lost some Dominion and had to nominate new Prophet specifically to beat Lord and his retinue. While equipped Vanjarl could probably do it (and I thought that maybe some of the other players will do it by the time - Niefel or Lanka could have pretty tough Prophets) I ended up prophetizing a Vampire Lord.

And then Lord of the Hunt just skipped him and attacked one of the lvl 2 priests. Fortunately for me it was Vanlade...

So I'd say the spell is useful but
very random. By the way, did you notice whether Lord attacked other lower level priests when higher levels were present?