
December 21st, 2010, 11:49 PM
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Re: Fighting Salamanders as Eriu (cbm 1.71)
Seriously, Salamanders?
They have like 20 encumbrance, any chaff will stop them And kill them once they pass out.
As for Abysian infantry, easiest way to deal with them would be destruction + archers early on. Once that protection goes does they are pretty easy to kill with archers, slow and no shield. What ever is left can be easily knocked down by your even most crappy troops due to their naturally low defense.
Not sure if Eriu has E2 mages doe. 

December 22nd, 2010, 11:54 AM
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Re: Fighting Salamanders as Eriu (cbm 1.71)
The Slingers actually can damage the salamanders, but between the other (sling-immune) Abysian infantry and the mages casting evocations, they arn't effective or fast enough tob e anything more than an irritant.
@Executor - Yeeeeah um no. They do 20 AOE1 damage that never misses. 2-3 kills per attack. Any strategy that relies on losing a minimum of 10 troops per salamander (say 5 with fog warriors) just plain isn't going to work.
Even with Fata Morgana, Phantasmal Army(s) and Mists of Deception, my troops wore out before the salamanders do.

December 22nd, 2010, 12:48 PM
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Re: Fighting Salamanders as Eriu (cbm 1.71)
2E2W allows the fireward spell. I think Eriu's cap mage can get 1E1W, water ring + earth boots on one can cast it, 1 of them with each large army should take care of things. Fireward is ench 4 or there about. Army of gold might be abit deep on the research tree and only your pretender can cast natively.
Just pack your thugs together and have them cast elemental fortitude, then have the mage cast fireward on them to get a pack of fire immune thugs. If I remember correctly magic damage doesn't pop mistform unless it does damage (so 100% FR means fire won't pop your mistform, do test it though).
Or, even just fireward on your army will hugely improve their effectiveness against abysia, though probably not enough to overcome AI resource bonus if you go toe to toe (maybe setting up a lab in a swamp province and high conj access to animal horde can come close if you have good N income).
Mechanical giant also aren't bad either, seeing how your pretender can make them...
Make sure you drop rain to cut heat and fire evoc down by a ton too.

December 22nd, 2010, 01:01 PM
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Re: Fighting Salamanders as Eriu (cbm 1.71)
Originally Posted by DeadlyShoe
The Slingers actually can damage the salamanders, but between the other (sling-immune) Abysian infantry and the mages casting evocations, they arn't effective or fast enough tob e anything more than an irritant.
@Executor - Yeeeeah um no. They do 20 AOE1 damage that never misses. 2-3 kills per attack. Any strategy that relies on losing a minimum of 10 troops per salamander (say 5 with fog warriors) just plain isn't going to work.
Even with Fata Morgana, Phantasmal Army(s) and Mists of Deception, my troops wore out before the salamanders do.
Thunderstrike/wrathful skies is always a crowd pleaser
Ghost wolves/false horrors + sleep clouds - with an E9 bless and soothings songs you can put skellispam to shame. Storm + storm power and every sidhe can spam chaff all day, and of course Tuatha don't even need that crutch.
Clockwork horrors (toss in iron bane for infantry), buff them with haste and script attack large monsters.
Bows of war - eye of aiming + eagle eyes and Sidhe have a ridiculous precision, script fire large enemies and you should mow them down quite fast. If necessary hit and run from behind your PD (eagle eyes, fire X4, retreat).
Dragon master + cave drakes buffed with regen & fire ward - salamanders will pass out long before the drakes.
My guides to Mictlan, MA Atlantis, Eriu, Sauromatia, Marverni, HINNOM, LA Atlantis, Bandar, MA Ulm, Machaka, Helheim, Niefleheim, EA Caelum, MA Oceana, EA Ulm, EA Arco, MA Argatha, LA Pangaea, MA T'ien Ch'i, MA Abysia, EA Atlantis, EA Pangaea, Shinuyama, Communions, Vampires, and Thugs
Baalz good player pledge

December 22nd, 2010, 08:09 PM
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Re: Fighting Salamanders as Eriu (cbm 1.71)
W+E=resist fire,though you may need a E booster on bean sidhe for a massive fire ward

December 26th, 2010, 10:49 AM
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Re: Fighting Salamanders as Eriu (cbm 1.71)
Originally Posted by Baalz
Thunderstrike/wrathful skies is always a crowd pleaser
Thunderstrike might work well here. Abysians pack a lot of gold into a small surface area. Every square you zap is a toasted salamander and/or three infantry, worth hitting. And their high encumberance means the shockwave should pile on effective fatigue on the neighbors.
Probably set your mages and slingers way back, slingers set to fire and flee, mages with "retreat" after they fire their spells. Don't stand and fight the pile of metal.
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