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Old June 1st, 2014, 04:23 PM

Airborne Rifles Airborne Rifles is offline
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Default Re: A Land War in Asia Scenarios

Originally Posted by Paulus_PAK View Post
After all is it possible to destroy those bridges with engineer satchel charges (in Trading Space)? So far I'm unable to do so. Although it seems that Chinese thrusts can be stalled.
My apologies! For some reason I thought I'd already posted the updated version of the scenario with wooden bridges that are definitely destructible by satchel charges. Imp had pointed this issue out shortly after I posted it and for some reason I thought I had changed it already. Anyway, here is the updated file. Thanks for playing it and for the feedback. I have another one in the pipeline but RL is slowing me down. Should be up soon.
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File Type: rar A Land War in Asia 1 Trading Space v1.1.rar (312.7 KB, 271 views)
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Old July 22nd, 2014, 10:33 AM

Airborne Rifles Airborne Rifles is offline
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Default Re: A Land War in Asia Scenarios

Hello all, here is the next scenario in my A Land War in Asia Scenario. This is probably the first one where I spent more time on the scenario itself rather than the map (and I spent a long time on the map). It's long since the forces are infantry heavy and I wanted to ensure there was time for the assaulting player to achieve their objectives. I think I've worked out most of the bugs on how the AI plays the scenario using VPs and waypoints, but if you play it and something seems odd please let me know. Anyway, this closes out the 'Vladivostock story arc' portion of these scenarios (at least for now ). I have lots of ideas for more in the same conflict but I need to balance three kids and a job too! Here's the scenario description:

The Chinese invasion of the Russian Far East has begun! Three incursions, aimed at Birobidzhan, Ussuriysk, and Valdivostok attempt to fragment the Russian defenses and isolate Khabarovsk.

The battered Russian Far Eastern forces have largely withdrawn into the Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula, trying desperately to maintain a defense of the vital port of Vladivostock, Russian's primary Pacific port and naval base. Both the Russian and Chinese forces have been depleted in the fighting around Ussuryisk and during the long Russian withdrawal south to the port. Now, within what the international media has dubbed the "Vladivostock Perimeter," the remaining Russian formations need time to reorganize, refit, and secure the strong defensive line across the neck of the peninsula. The Chinese are doing their best to deny them this respite, but they are facing problems of their own. Winter weather has come with a vengeance to the Far East, snarling logistics for their armies advancing through the rough mountainous and marshy terrain. More ominously, the Americans, eager to avenge their embarrassment in Taiwan, have offered their assistance to Russia in the conflict. Two carrier battle groups along with the Russian Pacific fleet have ensured air supremacy in the skies over Vladivostock and US Navy aircraft are interdicting supplies and reinforcements headed to the front. A USMC MEU is en route to bolster the defenses of the city and units of the Russian Baltic, Black Sea and Northern fleets are transiting the Panama Canal with reinforcements from European Russia. Will they arrive in time?

The only fresh Russian forces readily available for the defense of the Vladivostock perimeter are a mix of elements of the 155th Naval Infantry Brigade and reserve units hastily called up and organized. They will have to hold the line long enough for the fought-out units further south in the city to reorganize themselves. In scenes reminiscent of the Great Patriotic War, the civilian population of the city has been called out to dog fortifications through the hotel district along the coast north of the city. Will it be enough to stem the Chinese onslaught?

The Chinese know that time is against them. They must seize Vladivostock to secure the Pacific flank of their invasion of Siberia against American intervention. Their troops are worn out as well and they have been unable to concentrate as large a force as they had hoped for the final assault. They opt to play to the historical strengths of the Chinese infantry soldier. As a blizzard sweeps out of Siberia and reduces visibility to less than 100 meters, the PLA infantry and armor move into their assault positions.

The Russian position is precarious. They must defend two vital pieces of terrain. One is the east-west running DeFriis-Patrokl-o-Russkyi highway. This is the last remaining road north of Vladivostock proper that allows the Russians to move reserves from one coast of the peninsula to the other. Troublingly, at its west end is the DeFriis Peninsula bridge, a massive structure spanning the Amur Bay, and the opposite end of the bridge is in Chinese hands. Not wanting to sacrifice this multi-billion-dollar piece of infrastructure, the authorities in Moscow have refused to allow it to be destroyed for defensive purposes, and it remains as an avenue, albeit an risky one, into the Russian flank. The second piece of vital terrain the Russians must defend is the pumping station on the western side of the now frozen-over Pionerskoye reservoir that is the last remaining source of fresh water for the city. If either of these fall into Chinese hands the position of the defenders will be untenable.

Tovarich Colonel, take control of the western Vladivostock defenses! Our frontline troops report signs of an impending Chinise attack on our trenches but this damned blizzard has prevented us or our American allies from getting any good aerial intelligence. Your force is a mix of elite naval infantry and untested reservists. We will send you what support we can as our army units in the city reorganize, but don't expect much any time soon. The American Marines are attempting to disembark down south in the port at this moment and have promised to rush units forward as soon as they form. They are also trying to fly in some of their artillery but again the weather is playing hell with their air operations. They have aircraft overhead with GPS guided bombs but their observers can't see anything to call in the strikes. However, our fleet in Amur Bay will provide you gunfire support and the Americans have promised to send two of their destroyers into the bay to add their guns as well. You must hold the line this day! One more day and we can make this peninsula a fortress!

Special victory conditions: if the battle ends with the Chinese player in control of the pumping station or any part of the DeFriis-Patrokl-o-Russkyi highway, this should be considered a decisive defeat for the Russian player.
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File Type: rar A Land War in Asia 5 Siege of Vladivostock.rar (542.5 KB, 239 views)
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Old July 23rd, 2014, 10:16 AM

Airborne Rifles Airborne Rifles is offline
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Default Re: A Land War in Asia Scenarios

Just to reemphasize, I'm a relatively inexperienced scenario designer, so any feedback on these is very welcome. I tend towards bigger battles and try to good research on the real world OOBs. I use Google Earth to do the maps. I'll try to post a map showing the how all these scenarios fit into the larger campaign.

Last edited by Airborne Rifles; July 23rd, 2014 at 10:36 AM..
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Old August 13th, 2014, 03:04 PM
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Default Re: A Land War in Asia Scenarios

Just finished Vladivostok battle. Took me a while as it was long.

Here it is:


OK, generally my impressions are scenario was really good, though Chinese attack was extremely weak. I did not use USMC Company at all, just tanks and aircraft (both only because I did not want to shift my Russian units). First Naval inf company eliminated, second suffered slight losses. Same goes with both reserve companies, while one of these did not even see combat.

My plan was simple: I hammered down my entire perimeter on first defence line and shifted my 3 T-72s to the front, to cover the bridge. It took them more than 30 turns to do anything after most of my warships were getting empty. My TI equipped recon also helped a lot. Remains of Chinese wave were later easily repelled on second line, where attack was really weak.
Stuff went a little bit more crazy at the lake. I nearly lost it at the very end, but my T-90s won the battle there as Chinese also had bloody nose at this point.
My only fail was I used 155mm+ artillery on that DeFriis bridge forgetting how heavy ordnance I am implementing. Part of the structure was damaged (2 hexes torn into water), but at the end of the day this bridge was crossable and secure.

I like your scenarios and I love your maps. My only request is to limit US presence as it is rather improbable and - for christ sake - keep on making scens with bloody Americans, they are not needed everywhere.

Thank you.
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Old August 14th, 2014, 10:58 AM

Airborne Rifles Airborne Rifles is offline
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Default Re: A Land War in Asia Scenarios

Thanks for the feedback SaS TrooP! I agree on the weakness of the Chinese assault. I had a lot of trouble trying to set up their force mix so that they could overrun the first line of trenches and then mount a determined attack against the second line. I think in a PBEM game a human opponent could make it very difficult for the Russian defender, but with such a long scenario the only way I could see to make the the Chinese attack tougher was to give them LOTS of MBTs, and I didn't want to do that.


What I was trying to do was force the Russian player to have to choose to commit their reserves to three crisis areas: the second line of trenches under attack by mechanized forces after the Chinese infantry overrun the first line, the attack across the DeFriis bridge, and later the reservoir pumping station, hopefully with the USMC company coming in at the most desperate moment of the battle. I was at least glad to hear about the drama at the reservoir at the end of your game so at least that played as designed. Maybe if I take away the T-90 reinforcements and the Marine's tanks and air support? It seems the platoon of T-72s I've given the Russians make their defense too strong for the Chines AI player, so maybe I should have those come in as reinforcements later in place of the T-90s? I think a human opponent would probably do a much better job of consolidating after capturing the first line of trenches and then launching a strong coordinated attack on the second, and I didn't want to make the Chinese too strong for a PBEM match, but I could have the balance wrong for that as well.

Thanks for the encouragement! I have several more scenarios for this series in the pipeline (without Americans!) though the Americans will make more appearances later (along with some other Pacific Rim forces). My justification is that they are already at war with China over Taiwan on the one hand and trying to keep the Russian from going nuclear against China on the other. I enjoy the process, especially the map making since I'm a geographer by education.
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Old August 14th, 2014, 11:39 AM

Airborne Rifles Airborne Rifles is offline
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Default Re: A Land War in Asia Scenarios

If anyone is interested in the 'story arc' of these scenarios, here is a map from Google Earth showing how they all fit together. Red arrows are the major Chinese incursions, green boxes are the outlines of the terrain I used for the maps.

I'll be shifting focus further north for the next few scenarios, so stay tuned
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Old August 16th, 2014, 12:24 AM
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Default Re: A Land War in Asia Scenarios

Important: Chinese IVFs attacking from the north went crazy in the end and tried to make their way though water. Chinese lost like 10-12 IFVs during duck shot.
Limiting the reinforcements may be key to success. Or simply rise the attackers numbers. Not particularly MBTs, rather regular infantry going after the reserves. Generally, I believe chinese reserves are way too weak and underequipped as of 2020. Russians seems not to have that problem (RPG-29s in each section, all 5,45mm based - which is probably by this year).
Yet, check VERY CAREFULLY observation equipment of some units. Chinese can indeed see only for 150 metres, while Russians don't. If we have blizzard - as it is said in the briefing - optics such as 1P29 or PSOs will not help that much. I believe you could decrease Russian forces visibility to about 5 (if any) - this may allow chinese attacker to approach closed protected. I am not also that sure how TIs should behave during blizzard, but they were used in '91 with success. So this equipment should most likely stay untouched. Chinese forces (even regulars) seem to lack of any advanced optics rising vision modifier in unit's screen.
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Old August 16th, 2014, 11:21 AM

Airborne Rifles Airborne Rifles is offline
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Default Re: A Land War in Asia Scenarios

Thanks SaS Troop. I will look at the visibility ratings and adjust. I should be able to post a revised scenario in a few days. Thanks for the feedback!
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Old August 17th, 2014, 05:44 PM

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Default Re: A Land War in Asia Scenarios

By the way SaS TrooP, how did you employ the Spetznaz platoon in the scenario? I'm curious if you found them useful in the way I envisioned.
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Old August 19th, 2014, 11:45 PM
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Default Re: A Land War in Asia Scenarios

Actually I had no practical idea for them. They were used to cause further damage and delay of Chinese forces between 1st and 2nd line. Thats for one platoon. Second one remained in reserve for entire battle. I did not deploy them on enemy's rear for mortar hunting and stuff. But they managed to hurt a few tanks and kill few dozens of inf before being overrun.
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