
March 13th, 2004, 02:26 AM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
Small addition: it concerns Structural Integrity Field III-V as well.
And another small question:
Practically all AI designs for all races contain this section:
Misc Ability X Name := Armor Regeneration
Misc Ability X Spaces Per One := 100
But components with such ability availiable for Breen, Borg and Monsters only. This components can't be stolen. So what's the point? Is it workaround or something of that kind?
[ March 13, 2004, 01:45: Message edited by: aiken ]

March 13th, 2004, 03:44 AM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
Not a bug, just a typing error. It is good practice to check all Versions of the component when this happens. 

March 13th, 2004, 09:13 AM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
Hey again, I've been poring over the data files (fun eh?!) still awaiting the game. One thing that jumped out at me was the Borg Ship Sizes, certainly the Fusion Cube and to a Lesser Extent the Queen's Cube had size advantages (although not cannon size difference to be sure!) but all the lessser designs were quite comparative to the other races.
I understand the balancing nature of things but perhaps all borg ships starting with the Cruiser Class (Cube) should be of a higher tonnage? At least 2x the size? I know this may react strongly with the game but if its workable it might be an enjoyable aspect of the game
Especially the Cube!! Hard to imagine a Galaxy Class ship being so much larger than a Borg Cube!

March 14th, 2004, 01:12 AM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
In a Version of the STM I made for personal use I changed the Borg ship sizes and the standard ship sizes:
Borg Ship Sizes:1,200, 1,500, 1,800, 2,100 ,2,400, 3,000, 3,600, 4,200.
Standard Ship Sizes:370, 470, 590, 690, 790, 980, 1,170, 1,370.
It made the Borg ships too expensive for the AI to make. So I altered the Borg resource extraction facilities. This resulted in the Borg making too many ships. So many that the only way to fight the Borg was to make star destroying ships and when Borg fleets turned up detonate the star in the system. Its really a question of finding the right compromise between game realties and “canon” fact. 

March 14th, 2004, 01:31 AM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
Bumping. No thoughts about Armor Regeneration calls?

March 14th, 2004, 05:36 AM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
"Borg take Over"?
I was just playing around yesterday with STM Version 1.3.5...and found that it has a "Borg Take Over" scenario. SO I played it. Hah! It must have been a bug testing device, right? I mean, it's not really a scenarios, becuase the borg own 99% of the quadrant and the player has zero chance...but it was fun to watch it go down...

March 14th, 2004, 08:24 AM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
Yah about the Borg ships. Throughout trek history the Borg never used a massive amount. Certainly not the major fleet sizes that the federation or the dominion would have fielded. I know that it may be to late to do such a major overhaul but why not give it a try? Less ships but much bigger and more powerful. I mean waaaay less ships
The other thing I was thinking about is the inherant values of ship classes like frigates or destroyers, ie 40% harder to hit etc. There is a second value there that is always set to 0 the first value I assume is ship def. Anyhow might be interesting to tinker with those values a bit to add a bit of subtle differences. For instance Dominion ships could sacrafice that % to hit for decreased cost and perhaps slightly less tonnage. They had tonnes of inexpensive moderate sized ships and a few of the Massive dreadnoughts.
Possibly another idea with the borg to go in hand with increased tonnage would be to require more Crew Quarters and perhaps 2 brdiges for lesser classes and 3-5 for more powerful classes. SImulating the incredible redundancy of the Borg.
All in all this looks amazing and i'm beside myself waiting to play it
As I've never played the game take all my suggestions with a grain of salt 

March 14th, 2004, 10:41 AM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
What happens if you set the “Fleets Percentage of Ships For Fleets” entries to zero? I tried it on the Borg AI Fleets file. In testing, the Borg AI made 200 ships and only four fleets. Each fleet had only one ship.
Borg AI Fleets File:
Fleets Num Divisions := 5
Fleets Div 1 Max Amount of Ships := 50
Fleets Div 1 Max Amount of Planets := 0
Fleets Div 1 Num Fleets := 2
Fleets Div 2 Max Amount of Ships := 80
Fleets Div 2 Max Amount of Planets := 0
Fleets Div 2 Num Fleets := 3
Fleets Div 3 Max Amount of Ships := 400
Fleets Div 3 Max Amount of Planets := 0
Fleets Div 3 Num Fleets := 4
Fleets Div 4 Max Amount of Ships := 1200
Fleets Div 4 Max Amount of Planets := 0
Fleets Div 4 Num Fleets := 6
Fleets Div 5 Max Amount of Ships := 100000
Fleets Div 5 Max Amount of Planets := 0
Fleets Div 5 Num Fleets := 8
Fleets Percentage of Ships For Fleets := 0
Fleets Dont Use For Num Turns := 20
Fleets Default Formation := Wall
Fleets Default Strategy := Maximum Weapons Range
Percentage of Fleets to use for defense := 70
If it is really possible to restrict the Borg to fleets with only one ship, it may be possible to increase the Borg ship sizes. Maybe something like this: Borg ship sizes: 2,500, 2,200, 1,900, 1,600, 1,300, 1,000, 700, 400?

March 14th, 2004, 12:50 PM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
oOo I hope it works TNZ  The bigger the better with the Borg. I read Atrocities analysis with how the AI races handle themselves and I remember him placing the Borg in the lower portion rankings. It would be nice to jack that up a bit without totally destroying it for the MP aspect of the game  Also adding the spice of variety as most STNG races are so similar in composistion and size excluding the Borg.
Anyone know what that 2nd value is ?
It is Ability 1 Val 2 in the Vehicle size text, perhaps it only recognizes negative %'s ie the BaseShips (Wow i'm getting knowledgable for never having played the game!).
It would be interesting if other things could be affected using this, however.
Oh, and btw I have a bit of a linguistic background and can construct ship names for Cardassian, Romulan, etc that currently have more generic english names. I did it for BoTF but lost all my data  Of course these names would be conjectural but they would look/sound like the races tongue. 8472 I'm not sure about but I got frightened when I saw a name in their file 'Zoom'! I might be able to fashion some interesting names in that regard as well.
If people are interested I'll give it a go, just need to know how many names per race and any other general info i'd need.

March 14th, 2004, 06:36 PM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
Noticed that the Kazon, Ktarians, Tamarions, Vaadwaur, Gorn, and Hirogen all had ships with two captians. These are the majority of the minor races, so I am assuming that the others have the same problem. Major races were fine.
I also captured a Ktarian ship with a captian onboard and then brought it back to my Dominion shipyards to have it analayzed. From the generic captain, I gained a Vorta captain; however, I did not gain the ship construction tech. I know that some of the special race techs are able to be stolen, are captains in this catagory?
None of the AI are creating troops, even ones that I am capturing planets with. Many have troop transport vessels, but no troops.
Last in, Blockaded planets and 25% boost to moral, has this been incorporated? I know that it was talked about. I saw a Borg planet being blockaded, and noticed no difference in production rates.
I think that is all I have found over the weekend.
Oh, and two questions regarding the Warrior Tech. First is that I am finding that researching ships up to the kt that is available in the beggining with the Warrior Tech takes a long time. Could this be a balance issue?  This is an opinion, but maybe one should have to research the Warrior Tech before they get a Heavy Destroyer in the game beggining. Like I said this is just an opinion.
Second is there a tech tree for the Warrior Tech?
Sorry for the long post.
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