Well it looks like I am about to be knocked out. Bah! Just when I could start making Tartarians too! I doubt they would do me a lot of good though, nothing else has!
But I would like to try out a few of my summons before I go as I have never got far enough to summon them before, even in sp, so I'll try and sell off a few of my items to stay in the game a bit longer. After all you can't take it with you - or so they say....
So if anyone has any of the following - Astral, Fire, Nature or Death gems I'll consider a trade. I'll even consider gold. Enemies included of course! I have on offer....
A Chalice,
A Hammer of the Forge Lord (used but still working),
A shiney Orb of Atlantis - never been used!
A nearly new Flying Ship,
Rings of Wizardry & Sorcery,
A Treelord Staff,
Sundry dwarven hammers, Starshine caps & Crystal Coins,
And many other, as it turns out, useless items....
A bunch of Blood Slaves (70 odd) & a pair of sanguine Dousing rods. Slaves untouched by man or beast!
I will want a reasonable price for these otherwise I think its only fair that I let my conquerers capture them where they fall. And I may want to keep hold of a few odd things for any Thugs I can produce.
Remember its all in a good cause, 'cause Agartha has a big army and will be looking for people to fight after I have gone and you don't want that to be you just yet do you? Not that my summons will necessarily be going against him....
And congratulations to Agartha for his campaign. I have never felt able to even contest his advance. He's totally outclassed my forces in size and quality. And he pulled a nice move last turn