
September 6th, 2005, 12:47 PM
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Re: Space Food Empires
Captain Kwok said:
I really wish you could have happiness increments in decimals rather than just whole integers. There's at least one game coming out that does that...
Is that a hint about SE4 Deluxe, or SE5, or some other game? 
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September 6th, 2005, 01:47 PM
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Re: Space Food Empires
Captain Kwok said:
On a second note, as mentioned elsewhere, the 'pollution' effect using negative values for the planet conditions ability does not work.
It does still work, just not quite as intended. It does not lower conditions values any, but it does make it harder to improve them.

September 6th, 2005, 04:09 PM
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Re: Space Food Empires
Imperator Fyron said:
It does still work, just not quite as intended. It does not lower conditions values any, but it does make it harder to improve them.
In that case, maybe I'll keep it in and add a few more decrease planet conditions events due to 'industrial' accidents.

September 14th, 2005, 07:55 PM
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Re: Space Food Empires
In laying out the initial framework for the SE:V version of Space Food Empires, such as designing the tech tree etc., I ended up being inspired to make a few changes to the setup of the SE:IV version. Nothing major, but it will delay the next version by a couple of weeks. I had originally wanted to release an AI improved version before moving on to 0.30, the next major release, but with the current crop of changes it didn't make sense to finish off the AI based on the soon-to-be outdated current version.
The upcoming version (0.30) will really flesh out the component and facility end of the mod. A number of the changes were inspired by watching how the game would develop over 200-300 turns of AI play. It became obvious that certain elements needed to be modified in order to make for more enjoyable gameplay.
I'll keep you posted.

January 18th, 2006, 01:22 PM
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Re: Space Food Empires
It's been a long time since I posted a progress report, although I have been continuing to work on my mod as time permits.
Currently I'm working on a major update that addresses a variety of concerns I had over previous versions of the mod. Some details are presented below:
One of the big projects was to re-organize the technology tree, which was initiated by some planning I had done for the Space Empires V version. I'm a lot happier with the current tree, but it's required lots of changes to the data files, which has taken awhile. In many cases, outside of theoretical science and technology areas, you are essentially researching for specific components or facilities.
I've also started adding an AI racial trait to provide the AI with a few technologies to improve their performance. Some of these include special items to simulate remote mining or for the AI to use certain technologies in a more helpful manner, like intelligence or weapons.
I also had to drop the pollution model (since it doesn't work) although I've retained a number of elements of the population happiness scheme I had implemented. Unfortunately, it's a bit simplistic, but this is an area which can be really developed in SE:V, along with with some 'cultural' type elements I would have liked to add in the SE:IV version.
The major races are also getting a few new items, mostly custom components in the primary systems group for ships. Some of these include specialized life support and crew quarter components that fall along each race's characteristics.
I'm also going to add some basic mini ship images in each race's style to replace the current colour-coded placeholders. I'm hoping these little images make for more enjoyment until I get an opportunity to work on the actual models and stuff.
Lastly, although the website for the mod hasn't been formally updated, I have been patching in new elements over the last few months in some of the general technology areas. I had also started a database, but was discouraged by the amount of work it took to make. However, Fyron's hopefully working on some templates based on his site that I'll be able to use.
I'm aiming for late Feb for this update. My final school semester is relatively light and I also have a full week break during that time as well.

January 18th, 2006, 03:25 PM
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Re: Space Food Empires
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
A* E* Se! Gd! $-- C-^- Ai** M-- S? Ss---- RA Pw? Fq Bb++@ Tcp? L++++
Some of my webcomics. I've got 400+ webcomics at Last count, some dead.
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January 26th, 2006, 05:50 PM
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Re: Space Food Empires
For the next version I'm adding the basic framework to support monsters, but I would like to get feedback on how I should implement them.
Currently I'm going to have their home colony invisible to all other races, which will be capable of supporting 3-5 monsters at a time. Should I make them like neutrals or should I give them free range like regular AI? If I make them regular AIs how many systems should their range be? I was thinking 1-2 systems beyond their home colony.
How strong should individual monsters be? Should they be able to match against a single ship or a few ships at once?
Feel free to post more ideas...

January 27th, 2006, 04:49 AM
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Re: Space Food Empires
Rabbits, moles and deer, oh my!
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
A* E* Se! Gd! $-- C-^- Ai** M-- S? Ss---- RA Pw? Fq Bb++@ Tcp? L++++
Some of my webcomics. I've got 400+ webcomics at Last count, some dead.
Sig updated to remove non-working links.

February 1st, 2006, 03:04 AM
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Re: Space Food Empires
For you amusement I have added a bunch of rough sketches I have made on various Space Food Empires items, which you can view here:
I'll add more of the ship doodles, so you can at least get an idea of how some of them will eventually look.

February 1st, 2006, 04:03 AM
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Re: Space Food Empires
Shiny !!!
How far have things gotten in terms of race portrait and race-distinctive ships ?
Kinda curious how they'll turn out...
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