As shocking as I'm sure this will sound to some of those who read this, but there are actually players in the Dominions community who like slow paced MP games
Sometimes it's because they like the extra time it allows them to put deeper thought into their turns. Sometimes it's because they have another game or two going, and like doing just one turn in one game each day. Sometimes it's just because they are slow players. And sometimes it's because their brains just work very slowly, and no amount of forcing it to work quicker will help. (I've included this latter point just for me

Often though it's a case of they just don't have the time, or sometimes more to the point is that
they don't want to have the time. It sounds easy to say something like "you only need to find one hour to complete a turn over the space of 48 hours". But some people genuinely find that time hard to find on a monotonously regular basis over a several month period. Then there are others who actually don't want to devote time every single day for six months to playing Dominions.
For me, slower paced games play a definite and distinct role in the Dominions MP scene. Since it allows players who, for any number of reasons,
can only play in a slow pace, to be able to play MP games of Dominions. And for those players who
actually want to play a slower paced game. As these players are basically excluded from every regular MP game simply because they struggle, and they know they will struggle, to keep up with the 'normal' pace of those games. I'd take a good bet that many of the players from the first YARG game have only signed up for this sequel because they liked the pace of the first game. And some who haven't returned, haven't returned because after experiencing it, they found they didn't like the pace.
The argument surrounding slow paced games has come up several times before. Slower paced games do in fact work perfectly. They work just as perfectly as normal paced games, and just as perfectly as faster paced games. The only thing that tends to mar any of these game types is when players have signed up to a pace they personally don't like. And the fault lies there in those players, not in the actual pacing of the game.
The most sure-fire way to spoil any fast paced game is if players need regular delays. As that results in complaints from the annoyed players who signed up specifically because it was advertised as a fast paced game. And that's a 100% valid argument and complaint. Well the same works in reverse too you know, and the only thing that mars slow paced games is people complaining about the slow pace of the game.
Plus in this actual game, the schedule was advertised the moment the game was created, and it has never been altered. As it is the exact same schedule as the first YARG game. With the exact same 'generous delay' policy as well. So I don't see how there can be any complaints about the slow pace unless players omitted to fully read the rules and settings written in the original post when they signed up. Which is again the fault of the player and not the pace of the game.
What I find interesting is that during my time in the Dominions MP community, the same type of players who complain about delays in slow paced games, are often the same type of players who complain about delays in fast paced games. Ok, we get it, you like a really fast pace to your games, but please don't expect all other players to share you pacing views,
and please don't complain about the slow pace of a slow paced game. Since the fault lies entirely with the individual doing the complaining, as he or she has signed up for a pace of game they themselves don't like.
I don't particularly like Thai food, so just about the last thing I'd do is specifically go into a Thai restaurant for a meal, and then all my time there do nothing but complain about the Thai food! How stupid and moronic would that be like?!?! As I'm pretty sure all the other customers in the restaurant are only there simply because
they actually like Thai food

and I'd just look like a complete retard for complaining about it. Well........snap.