Mark I was allowing for the newer birds to be able to use their full compliment of weapons. This is why I recommended no more then 2-4 passes for the gunships to minimize overkill especially where the older gunships are concerned. Also in the first sentence of the para immediately below item
2) I left myself an out on the target "hex box" as well. Tried "combine" the old with the "new" as different sized target areas for each "era" of gunships wouldn't be feasible, it was a compromise in my mind.
In this thread and the patch one, I spent
many hours recommending fixes and additions on the research side of things for the gunships. Unless Don and Andy are willing to spend the next year trying to come up with solution for the them,
I say it's time to get rid of them and I don't think there are many more forum members that regularly post that are as passionate about
all air assets as I am (Though in truth I'm that way about all "my" thread topics-maybe OK less so about the UAV one.

) but...
I'd need
two more slots to allow for the
GHOSTRIDER gunship which is flying on the AC-130J platform within 2 years. Need
one for the M1A2 SEP V3. REALLY will push again for the best fighter bomber we had in the 60's & early 70's that would be Warsaw Pact weaponized after a couple of online conversations with the pilots that flew them-that's
one slot though it's about six hexes of death and destruction mech/armor/personnel. We'll have the new STRYKER to add with the 30mm RWS - there's
another slot. Oh by the way we'll need to add a couple of new APACHES because my former military employer has very kindly let the ARMY use their
APKWS II laser guided rockets this past year-
two slots. They are/have ramped up production to also supply the ARMY.
I'm not here to over stress Don or Andy. Remember my goal for this game is "One World One OOB" my record bears that out to include doing what's right for this game which at times means sacrificing the things you like most in this case the gunships to allow for the items I've listed above and here the ARMY is looking to develop a light tank for the Airborne-could be
two slots. What did you think I was totally slackly off?
So how am I doing? Well my s#*t of real USA equipment has almost used the
current existing slots left in the OOB with the
eight I'll be asking for,
ten if you count in the
So now what's more valuable??
Don and Andy don't need my permission but I'll be good with any decision they make concerning the future of gunships in the game.