So everything worked out as planned and after half an hour there was a huge amount of burning russian tanks around the area behind the belaegured infantry company which itself was counterattacking at its front.
KG Hausers Scouts entered the village and contact was made. It was short and intense ight fighting with a nasty surprise of 7 T-34 breaking into the rear area town where the divisonal artillery was stationed. They ran right into 2 platoons of german regulars which gave them all they had at hand (mainly grenades and a feew satchel charges. Major Urbandts tank (a captured A10 cruiser tank with a howitzer for cs) was destroyed but he managed to get out of it in time. Luckily one T34 was captured intact after its crew surrendered it in the city so this will be urbandts new ride. A t34 fresh of the factoy the latest model
. Hopefully it will serve him better.
Thx to the low visibillity the tanks could move more freely which really hurt the rssian infantry trying the encirclement.
the captured T-34 got a few kills especially as the russian tankers were quite confused meeting it in the centre town mistaking it for one of their own.
To make the confusion on the battlefield complete a captured german tank has been spotted in the north with russian markings.
The pictures show the moment of KG Hauser linking up with the frontline company and the aftermath of the russian attack from the south in the town