I will agree to a CF with you since I agree, this game is over, and now we are just having some fun.
I will take the provinces next to your old capitol and otherwise leave you to duke it out with Utgard south of there.
I'm about to finish blood9 research to go along with alteration and construction at 9, mostly just to play around with the high level spells.
I've got a couple dozen clams and probably 30 blood stones, so my gem income is actually higher than shown on the chart, also I'm getting 100-150 blood slaves a turn, and haven't even bothered to optimize my hunting, otherwise I could probably pull in over 200 easilly.
I've got huge armies of cross breed creatures backed with my xbows, and supplimented with my cavalry. I've got 10+ counts running around, I've got 6 or so vampire lords making normal vampires to escort them, I've got a golem, I've got 2 arch devils and one father illearth.
I've got artifacts, I've got...
Yeah you get it...
Fun game though unfortunately Midgard going AI when he did just allowed me to run over him with little resistance. Utgard going AI didn't really matter unless he was planning to stab me with Midgard, but I don't think that was his plan.
Agartha and I had good relations all along, though very little interaction otherwise.
Unfortunately for C'tis he got double teamed (or triple teamed if you count atlantis) and didn't really stand a chance, I was more geared up to attack Pythium, but frankly he didn't look very threatening so I kept my agreements with him rather than giving him the 3 turn notice. Besides Utgard was unhappy with the heat loving lizards
I really enjoyed this map as well, the nodes made for interesting decisions, and made no one really able to turtle. I don't think they are overpowered either for their sites, though they can give you a tad of an early boost if you get to one you really need.
I'll keep going for a while, just to finish of Pythium and midgard, and for Agartha and I to set up some kind of battle royale between our armies, mostly just for the fireworks which would come out of it