I hate to double-post, but my wiki-fu is weak, and the Turn 1 page isn't up yet, so I'll post it here. Enjoy!

The people of the Basalt City lined the procession, cheering. Inutho struggled to get a look at what was happening; there wasn't a holiday today, unless the new god had declared some day sacred in remembrance of an old battle or an old awakening or something-or-other that had nothing to do with Atlantis. The old shamblers were certainly up and about, cheering with the younger Atlantians and, strangely, quite a few shallow-dwellers.
The Basalt City had a few immigrants from those who had left it for sunnier waters after Critias had entered power--often due to his rise to power; Critias was quite a controversial fellow--but they mostly stayed to their own ghettos with their queer practices. One major exception was Inutho's neighborhood priest, who was raised by shallow-dwellers but returned to the Basalt City after an epiphany when Critias ascended. Interestingly, he was absent from the crowd; he loved the celebrations and, being quite old and large, was not hard to spot.
Inutho fought a while longer to get a good view, or any view at all, and finally pushed his way past a few reef dwellers to the front of the crowd--right next to a Deep One shambler dressed in shallows garb. And, right next to him, another Deep One shambler in identical clothes, and another after that, and another, and another. Interspersed between the shamblers were coral priests from the shallows, giving out their blessings to the shamblers.
And then a voice rang out. "Welcome, people of the Basalt City," the Queen said, her voice booming throughout the old, dark city, "Welcome, those who have returned from the shallows to mark this auspicious occasion. I have been tasked by the Prince of the Deeps, Critias, to act in his position here while he is away. Today marks the melding of our old ways with the bright new direction our god is tending us towards. Today, the first of the Coral Guard, our elite of both old and new, is appointed. Cax Kulu, repeat after me the Oath of the Guard:
"I will serveour God, and our City, to the best of my ability." An almost-inaudible murmur drifted towards Inutho. He strained to see the Basalt Queen, but realized too late he was far, far away from her. "I will lay down my life if need be to protect the Basalt City and to expand the power of the Prince of the Deeps." Again, the far-away voice. "I will serve with honor, and distinction, and I will uphold the Pillars of the Basalt City. I will be to my God true and faithful, and will not question his divine mandate. I will do all of this, not for personal glory, but to further the Atlantian people and my God.
"Cax Kulu, arise. You may don your armor. Congratulations, First Commander of the Coral Guard."
The people clapped, and Inutho clapped with them, thinking to himself what he could have done instead of listening to a long speech to create a useless title. As the shallow-dwellers began to leave to return to their small towns, and the others returned to their homes, Inutho began back to his own home. His children would be waiting for him, probably expecting food he hadn't caught. What a waste of time.
"Sir, come with me. Now." A large, dark hand reached out of the small, dark alleyway and dragged Inutho inside.
Dear Mrs. Craywalker,
We are sorry to tell you that Mr. Inutho Craywalker is deceased. The cause is currently unknown; it seems that he fell asleep at the Basalt Queens' speech and died peacefully. Our condolences, and to try to help make up for your husband's death we have enclosed compensation.
Inutho stared at the vast slope up, towards the lighter sea, and eventually land. He had always wanted to explore, but not under these circumstances--leaving behind a family, for a god he didn't like. All the exotic princes and princesses in the world couldn't distract him from his family.
Better now than never, he thought, and started up the slope.
Hey, turn 1 is longer than the prologue.