Velusion said:
Corwin said:
But I dislike being blamed for something that I have no part in whatsoever.
O'Reeeeeaaaally? Well then Vanheim set us both up real good. I'll let the most deceptive player then take my lands (fitting!). I can't fight two wars regardless so I'm taking one of you with me!
Here I come Sauro! All my apes are gathering, all my long bows are ready. My demons are hungry and the gold is gleaming from my sacred gorillas! Our goal is to head strait for your capital and to rip down your castle and pillage the provinces to nothingness!
Pull back all your forces, marshal all your hosts!
If you want to talk terms do it through PM, but do it quick.
Yes, really. Frankly I don't understand your logic. You have attacked me yourself with no provocation and at the same time you seem to be more pissed at me than at any other nations who have decared its intention to attack you.
And I think you are mistaken about Vanheim - I believe his explanation about accidental attack with stealth army. He sent me a sincere apology at the same time that I got a reply from you. He had no way of knowing that I will try to convince you to abandon your non-existing "alliance" with him. Most importantly he could not know about timing - I was so pissed at him that I've jumped the gun and send letter to you, after waiting for only an hour or so for him to reply. I got his reply in another hour or so. He could not know that I would already try to contact you by that time, and that you will send reply to me.
Please think about it.
Now here is what I think really happened - you have attacked me last turn expecting to take my castle easily. Instead I've destroyed your army. (although it is clear it was a just a probing force - I can see your large armies of demons sitting in your castles.)
Next turn after you have attacked me you suddenly found yourself a target of attack either by one or by two (if Baaalz is serious) other nations. Which should not come to you as a big surprise, since you are Lanka, you are strong and scary, you sit in the middle, and you have delivered the first killing blow in this game by taking over stalling Hehleim. And did I mention that you are Lanka?
There is no need to span vast conspiracy theories. You have made a choice to attack me yourself, didn't you? You are strong and experienced player, so I am sure you have seen similar situations in the past - big scary nation in the center of the map need to step very carefully, or it will get ganged as soon as it is distracted.
Vanheim certainly added a huge deal of confusion by accidently attacking my province on the same turn as you have attacked me, but it is just simply way too intricate and devious treachery to realistically pull it off in a context of Dominion diplomacy.
And regarding the confusion - while you didn't start it, I think to be completely honest you have to admit that you have tried to take advantage of it. You didn't correct me when I desperately tried to buy you off when I thought you are acting in alliance with Vanheim, didn't you? Instead you indicated that you might be willing to agree to my plea for you to switch sides, despite the fact that you was not acting in coordination with Vanheim.
Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with what you did. In fact, trying to take advantage of confusion in such situation is a smart thing to do.
What I don't understand that why are you still pissed at Sauromatia? Not to mention pissed at Sauromatia more than at anybody else?
Personally I don't think it’s a sportsmanship-like behavior - to throw the game one way or another, especially when it is done by the game's host and experienced player such as yourself. Personally I hate when game is intentionally being thrown into my favor and I always do all I can to refuse such "honors".
I am not afraid of your demon monkeys, and I don't mind fighting war that you have started. What I don't understand is your intent to try to destroy the nation that you have attacked, while sending your gems to the nations that have attacked you. I think it's very strange reaction. Perhaps I could understand it if I would offended you in the game or something, but we haven't even spoke or fought until you attacked me last turn. <shrug>
I can only hope that after calmly evaluating all facts you will reconsider your intentions and will realize that you have no reasons to being obsessed with destroying me while rolling over for others to take over your territory, and even helping them by sending all your gems. But if you still insist on doing after me with all you got for no reason whatsoever while intentionally throwing the game to one nation or another - it's your call, there is nothing I can do to stop you.