Lol I certainly got beaten in Borale alright. However, I'm more inclined to say it's due to my and/or AI major screw up than Bifron's superiority. Here's my side of the story:
- 100+ useless chaff units, mostly thralls, who had no purpose except to die at Bifron's feet and therefore buy some time.
- Bane Lord, who was equipped with fire brand/charcoal shield/fly boots/luck pendant, so he was hardly fully decked out as Karlem said.

His function was to kill the PD Mictlan might have had in the province. Script was supposed to be hold x4->attack rear but I forgot to actually put those orders on him, which I think proved to be rather disasterous in the end.
- 4 black priest who were there to throw iron darts & iron blizzard in the case of PD.
- 1 vampire lord and 3 vampire counts, all scripted to cast leech, which is quite irresistable death sentence to lonely SCs. I also scripted a few hellbind hearts so I might get lucky and capture Mictlan's SC for myself. I didn't bring all those blood slaves to the battlefield for nothing.

All in all, I thought I had crafted a quite elaborate death trap for Bifrons from which there was to be no escape.
Then the battle started and soon
everything would come crashing down, for me at least.

The battle went the way Karlem described but there are few details I wanted to add. My bane lord attacked Bifrons(there was no PD to fight with) immediately, instead of attacking on battle turn five, because of the wrong script I had on him. At this point I immediately knew my bane lord would die as he certainly wasn't same caliber as the ice devil. But this wasn't a big casualty for me because one can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs. My mages went next and along with them my plan was ruined as
none of them casted the spells, except for Aim, I had scripted on them. So instead of leeches and hellbind hearts my mages throw totally useless stuff( against SCs that is) like raise dead, imps and rush of strenght! The battle goes on with Bifrons stuck in the corner killing my bane lord and soon to be there chaff and needless to say my mages continue act out of script casting Fail Spells(TM). At least they could have chosen to cast Life for a Life instead of raise dead, no? The battle continues like this until my forces finally rout and die because of my second epic failure of the turn: I forgot to send troops to keep the Jomon castle sieged so I would have had a province to retreat into in the case of rout. This rout part of the events isn't so critical though because Mictlan had Magoth attack the Jomon province also and my supposed keep-the-siege-on force wouldn't have stood a chance against him. I have watched the battle several times and the only reason for my mages total failure I could come up with is that the bane lord's too early attack kept Bifrons out of range for my scripted spells and therefore AI ignored my orders and proceeded to cast lame stuff instead of good stuff.
As it stands I'm ready concede to Mictlan and declare Karlem as the winner of VampireBat. How do you guys feel about this? If someone thinks he can still beat Mictlan we should continue the game but otherwise I think we should wrap it up and move on to other games and battles.
Me giving up against Karlem now may seem like surprise(or not) but I've good reason for it and I'll tell it(along som e other stuff) if we decide this game is over. If Karlem for some reason refuses my surrender, I'll do the motions required to postpone the inevitable by a couple of turns.
PS: I find it almost hilarious that such a simple thing as bane lord's orders have this kind of consequences for my play. Even more amusing though is the fact that for the second time in this game all my careful planning goes down the drain on the Fields of Borale. Province #60, I will officially hate you until the end of time and will pillage you in every game I will ever play from now on.