a"nd your vampires are fearsome opponents for my poor undeads pickles

Yeah they rocked in that the time they actualy cought you. I guessed right before but cancelled the order by accident hence my dead Niefel lords
"i think this will become a long war . you should not try to catch my other raiding army but march on mictlan with it

Ok I will do that. It will not be a long war wiht the current alliances but there will never be peace again
I was considering proposing a truce to get rid of Ulm but you did that already!
"the disease thingy is my harvester trying to weaken you a bit for the final battle
so the desease doesnt come out of nothing

Well I finally figured that out. They are really nasty - epecially now your provinces are next to my borders so they can retreat & not die. I think the final battle will be when you crush Mictlan though - My dominion is creaking.