I'm declaring war on Karlem. I killed Kahn gar for the 3th time now. And I didn't expect you to kill them other 3that fast.
So prepare to die (

) We will war in a 5 turns guess
Battle report
Outside the walls of arco's capitol his pretender (didn't he have 4A4E once upon a time

and not 2A3E?) and the restof his army decide to meet my whole army on the field of battle.
Arc conviently didn't recruit elephants which might have been annoyin but decide to fiel 50000 PD, a dozen level 1 indie priests and a dozen healers (all of which had no real reason to be on this battlefield except to die --> my tip for next game.. don't take these units to a large battle) and (on a more serious note) some cerulean warrior and some of the lousiest summons around snake things, a scorpion thing and 5 fall bears.
Conviently his pretender couldn't fly due to a sudden storm (awwww where did that come from)
Thunderstrikes kept blasting his army (and probably killed mst of th 30 troops I lost) and paralyzes nd soulslays kept hittng the manticore (which didn't succub to these soulslays must be noted.) his mages kept cassting awesome spells like fireflies, vine arrows and magmaballs and soon some of my troops had to scratch themselves when the felt some itches of it.
Afte thunderstrikes had killed half of his troops and his charging summons had died in the first clash of weapons the manticore pretender, unable to fly decided to meet the sknshifters, which after 2 times dining on manticore steak got the hint andkilled him in 1 round of combat and gave his nice helmet to my commanders (after the 3th round of manticore steak). Most resistance was given by the 30 cerulean warrior.. but even they died when greeting the skinshifters
Nice try arco... but.. this defense wasn't all that.. lots of PD which died easily to thunderstrikes, lots of healrs and priests which don't belong in battle and your better mages only cast crap spells (only 1 blade wind???)
the ceruleans where a nice thought but you had to few and IMHO elephants might have caused some mayhem.. but then again soulslay miht have removed them fast too.
The gems spend onthose summons where a waste too IMHO.
--> just advice for next game.
KARLEM.... once you have taken out my armies you can claim victory. and I expect the rest to keep kicking him untill that has happened (which I'm pretty sure will happen)
--> I really thought Ulm and mictlan would bring eachother quite a bit down.. so I had some more timebefore I was forced to intervene. Now I'm probably too late... but then again with my NAP5 it was already to late when this started considering how overwhelming mictlans victories have been so far.