No-one cares about the spelling errors - the descriptions are cool, even most of the grammatical errors sound cool. The Nazar Goz spell description reads to me like you didn't finish it?
If it concerns you, I can fix them all in a jiff, bit I have some questions abour parts of speech -
is the Unlife a concept or a proper noun?
- "sacrament of unlife" (if a concept)
- "sacrament of (the) Unlife" (if a proper noun)
I think the second one sounds cooler.
You treat a bunch of things as given names (i.e. "A caster animates Yigin Seri" vs "A caster animate an Yigin Seri", as to "Someone shot a Man" vs "Someone shot DrPraetorious"). Is that on purpose? Should also probably be "The Caster" instead of "A Caster", or something flowery like "The Master of Unlife ...."
There are also some punctuation mistakes.
This is one of your best balanced mods, and also conceptually clean and I need to clear a nation slot. Gragh. Only unit that I think is unsalvageable is the Stygian King - you can have an upgraded version of any pretender chassis *except* the Prince of Death
OTOH, he's got some awesome artwork - does he have eyes on spikes on his back? Whatever that is it looks cool.