The curious issue about it, under ...\malfador machinations I have got two folders, the one mentioned above "space empires iv" and another one "space empires iv gold", why does the program look into the non-gold folder (this has been installed by the gold CD, it is not the old one)?
It's not looking in the non-Gold folder; the path name is just too long for the dialog box to display the " Gold\Pictures\Races\Krill" part.
I got a raft of similar errors setting up games to test my Hypermaze mod, but haven't pinned down which AIs are causing them yet. The ones I got don't seem to affecting game play; they only appeared when the game was being generated. The Messages I got were:
Could not find field "Ships don't move through minefields" in record "Settings"
Could not find field "Ships don't move through restricted systems" in record "Settings"
Could not find field "Clear orders on encounter enemy" in record "Settings"
Could not find field "Clear orders on encounter all" in record "Settings"
Could not find field "Percentage of total Satellites to keep as planetary cargo" in record "Settings"
Could not find field "Percentage of total Drones to keep as planetary cargo" in record "Settings"
Could not find field "Number of Anti-Ship Drones per Target" in record "Settings"
Could not find field "Maximum Anti-Ship Drone Target System Distance" in record "Settings"
Could not find field "Maximum Anti-Planet Drone Target System Distance" in record "Settings"
These warnings came up four times in a solo game with twelve AIs, and once in a game with two AIs.
[Edit] It appears this problem is caused by AI files that haven't been adapted for Gold. I got the same errors from a new game after adding just one race and no other mods. It looks like the errors come up each time the race is picked randomly, because that one race generated the error warnings four times. [ / Edit]
I've found a trivial error in both Hypermaze.zip and HypermazeLite.zip . They should have created a Hypermaze(Lite)\Savegame folder when unpacked; this only really affects the use of ModLaunchingProgram.zip
HypermazeLite also creates a folder called 157_Gold_Space_Empires IV for some reason; this is totally unnecessary and can be deleted.
The Gold Extras readme.txt mentions the difference between the two, but the manual doesn't: HypermazeLite doesn't use the custom graphics from the "full" Version. (I'm not sure why both are on the CD; I only submitted Lite in case they were strapped for space.)
[ 17 March 2002: Message edited by: capnq ]