I just wanted to post a quick update here. Things are going slowly. I'm putting together an alpha .dm file and will be checking stats carefully with that before putting them up here. I will be using #clearrec and putting the Induna and Scout leader types back in.
I've decided (reluctantly) to go with an Arco overwrite for the Dom2 version. The current starting sites are planned: "Land of Pleasures Unattained", "Singing Stones", and "Lykeion."
After looking closely at the way shields are structured, I think I may have given the Zultu Shield too much. The first test version will use Prot 2 instead of Prot 3. It looks to me like any sort of nonmagic Hide/Leather/Wicker shield should have a protection rating of 2 and no more if historical baselines are to be observed. I think good history anchors good fantasy, so the tweak.
Also, I'm changing some weapon names: all "Guardian" become "Magic." The latter is both more accurate and shorter. Two virtues. Purely cosmetic? Ultimately utilitarian, IMO.
The name files are up to 135 male/140 female. I'll quit at 200 each.
The more I look at the Leopard Cult, the weaker they look to me. I'm changing them to Sacred for the first version. If it doesn't work, I can change it back.
I have gone over the gods with an eye toward matching the CB 5.0 mod. This mostly affects encumbrance, but I'll leave all these changes marked red next time I post stats. There were a few changes in point cost, and some alterations to base stats/skills. Also, all the lion-heads get the new Roar instead of Bite, except the White Lion, who gets both. Also, the CB changes to the Crone pretty much took the niche I put the Leopard Warlock in, so I had to readjust this Pretender more than others.
I had some ideas about how to get decent graphics for the mod, but they have all fallen through. For the time being, I have Oceania sprites plugged in...