Originally posted by Gavin:
I'd like to start a discussion on 4X games, tell your opinions on the various 4X games you have played. My summary:
Master of Orion
Master of Orion II - Battle for Antares
VGA Planets
Star Control
Star Control 2 & 3
Space Empires III
Star Wars: Rebellion (Yech!)
Space Empires IV
I'd say that MOO2 was overall the best, if your a Bab5 fan or a Star Trek fan you just have to love this game.
SA 4 offers the ability to 'build your own' though, which is great fun for those closet game designers out there.
Original MOO is a pretty good game for it's time. The limited repertoire of diplomatic Messages is noticable after you've played for a while, and the limitations of ships -- all ships of a given clas move as a single stack in combat -- can get annoying, but considering when it was programmed it's a good effort. MOO II is just great in some areas but worse in others. The individual ships with shield facings and weapon arcs are a huge improvement over original MOO, and the highly detailed control in tactical combat is fantastic. The new technologies are pretty good but the absolutely rigid tech tree is not so great. The "little people" approach to managing planetary work forces is awful. It was lifted from Master of Magic, which is a good game but played on the scale of individual
cities not planets. Why they thought that a feature from a fantasy game played on the scale of cities and even individual characters was a good thing to wedge into a 4X game I've never been able to even guess.
I hope the "sliders" from original MOO come back in MOO III.
I tried to play VGA planets once or twice. It's too clunky to be played effectively from my experience.
I played Star Control II a bit. It's cute, but it's more of an 'adventure' game than a strategic game. The ship combat and technologies associated with ships are very limited. I have no experience with either SC I or III.
I've not played ANY "Star Wars" space game. And don't expect to in the future. SW games are generally arcade games, anyway. But the SW universe just doesn't excite me so I'd probably not be very interested even in a "genuine" SW 4X game.
SE II was interesting but I never quite got excited enough to register it. I discovered SE III just as the beta development for SE IV was beginning.
SE III is a lot of fun. There is much more detail and flexibility than SE II or even most other "big name" 4X games like the MOO series. SE IV is an improvement in many ways, but many good features of SE III were not carried forward. The ability to retreat from combat, for example. Still, I have to agree that SE IV is over-all one of the best 4X games available. More detail in certain aspects of the game would help it a lot, though. "Conditions" on planets are too generic. There should be seperate weather/temperature, gravity, and radiation factors, like in MOO or Stars! And if only he could improve the tactical combat -- even a simple impulse system to control initiative and fire-order would be good. Shield facings, weapon arcs, and turn rates like MOO would be fantastic.
[This message has been edited by Baron Munchausen (edited 15 October 2001).]