EWW 1.02 - Removed the underdelve alternate quest.
Added a new mainquest with appropriate goodies (weapons and ships).
Added proper spirifer silhouette
Added proper zorg battlestation silhouette, and finalized it.
EWW 1.01 - Took Corrupted quest out temporarily
Juggled races in game.ini to try to get more of them to appear
Added 1 race to each of the maps in distribution.ini as well as a couple of stars.
Moved the zorg.tga image over a bit in the intro screen
EDIT: EWW 1.00
Fixed typo in pirate quest
Added the Sphyrna race
Added two new ally ships
Changed intro art
Added a skeleton version of pulse wave weapon
Added the Incredible Combobulator...too bad I can't get it to work
Reorganized races to make Cambrians start appearing again
EWW 0.99
Added some new Zorg Hireables, which one you get depends on which ship you choose at the beginning..
Added a new Terran "Hireable" which is again somewhat dependent on which ship you choose at the beginning.
Added a new Pirate "quest".
Added a new weapon for the pirate race, and tweaked their existing weapons to make them somewhat more threatening.
You can see a future Zorg Battlestation in the simulator:
Coming soon: Another mainquest, finalizing the Battlestation and cambrian tritarthus, a spiffy new device (if I can get it working) the race from my avatar (the art's already done), and another race.
EDIT: This is 0.90 - Thanks to Fingers for making the nocollision and shootable flags complimentary
EWW 0.90 - Fixed a couple of text overflows.
Added the Cambrian Spirifer to the fleets.
Added 2 weapons:
Tactical Attack Drones
Duranium Burst Gun
Finalized the Blastoid Launcher
Added the Blastoid Launcher to the Cambrian Eurypterid
Outfitted the Pirates with the Flak Cannon and Duranium Burst Guns
Fixed art on Popplers