solops said:
when you have to system map diplsyed, it would be great to be able to zoom in/out using the wheel on the mouse.
Making the game reciognise the mouse-wheel would be very, very nice. For zooming, but better yet as a throttle control!
MY wish: A debug mode like SEIV had. Strings up a list of file & line number errors before dumping the currently loading game/save/whatever.
BOY would that make modding soooooo much easier.
Another thought:
- Planets that defend themselves (I shot Earth a good seven times during one bounty mission and didn't so much as kill a single population or peeve off the starbase - Which also hit Earth when shooting at my target).
Essentially ships that respond to player target hits. Too much friendly fire and the allies of that vessel/base/planet get peeved at the player (or whomever/whatever shot them so much).
- Give the store the ability to set percentages by item class rather than overall: Some item classes have higher resale % while others are much lower (or even in excess of 100%?).
- The ability to actually build fighters (and sats).
- The ability to build/buy/launch satellites as well (I've actually done that: Fighters with 0 speed and 360 degree weapon mounts).
- Tonnage/level incrementation (like the cost/lvl % increment): so that as levels increase some weapons could get smaller rather than more damaging. (Much like MOO-II)
- Range incrementation: Likewise; range improves with levels rather than damage.
- A modders' guide that goes into line-by-line depth of the files so that modders are not cruxed by doing something that they didn't understand or even realize (like the double-line fault).
- Drones (ramming 'fighters').
- Escorts?? Buyable/hireable standard size ships that fly on the players' wing like really beefy fighters. Outfittable as per 'builting' fighters and the like.
- A Garage: Someplace to store an extra ship or two for switching between before particularly harrying (or cargo intensive) missions?
- I'm rambling.