Point Def. too tough against missiles-change it.
I'd like to play a game using Missiles on
my ships instead of the same old thing,
Shields/Beams/Combat Sensors/ECM. This combo
can take out a Missile 5 equipped equally sized ship easily. In my opinion, the numbers on the point defence weapons should be decreased so they do less damage against missiles.
Also, on the main screen when you look at a system with for ex, 5 planets, several different enemy ships, (just a lot of things cluttering up the view, time and time again I have to strain to find the planet I want. I know it has a border around it. Why can't the border pulse or flicker. And why can't the planets spin slowly. Neat oooo
I LOVE THIS GAME!! It just need tweaking.
I read all your thoughts (as of March 27), and boy, am I impressed! Good ideas guys (and girls) BTW, any girls play SE4?
[This message has been edited by Cranex (edited 26 March 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Cranex (edited 27 March 2001).]
What I'd like to see in SE4: Rotating planets, animated ground combat like Moo2, (or more realistic looking), an easier to see planet border (you know- that yellowish 4 pointed thing displayed around a planet when selected). PLEASE no real time games.