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Old October 29th, 2003, 12:06 AM

MStavros MStavros is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 2. AI. Suggestions, that how to fix it.

Originally posted by ywl:
I saw army big enough for early game (at least 50 to 60 units) many times. Overall, the strategic AI behaves quite similar to Dom 1.

I have several observations:

1) AI tends to have a large number of crappy units, whereas human will go for quality (knights, emerald guards) whenever practical.

2) When you're seiging the AI capital, they'll keep trying to retake it. It's a sensible thing to do but being so predictable will make it easy to exploit. It doesn't hurt to add a degree of randomness to it.

3) Even without the tax-n-patrol trick, I can still expand faster than the AI. Do you guys have similar experience? Is there any way to improve the situation? We all know that if you lost the open-game, it's very hard to catch up.

4) Are there any nasty tricks hard-coded for the AI? Any experienced human players would have a wide arsenal of them, the AI need some to be competitive.
Yeah the AI either have small forces or mediocre army with bad unit/commander combinations, IE weak units etc.
There must be a way to improve this...

Oh just a little addition. I think that the research AI is good. Usually the AI is doing good in research as I see it from the graphs.

So battle AI, spellcasting AI, research AI seems ok, but the strategic AI is too weak in many ways.

[ October 28, 2003, 22:07: Message edited by: MStavros ]
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Old October 29th, 2003, 12:18 AM

Particle Particle is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 2. AI. Suggestions, that how to fix it.

Originally posted by MStavros:

So battle AI, spellcasting AI, research AI seems ok, but the strategic AI is too weak in many ways.
I agree with this statement....

->Hopefully Illwinter will upgrade the strategic AI somehow.

If you ask me...if the strategic AI would be as good, as the spellcasting AI....the AI would kick the you know what of the human players.

[ October 28, 2003, 22:19: Message edited by: Particle ]
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Old October 29th, 2003, 12:56 AM

LordArioch LordArioch is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 2. AI. Suggestions, that how to fix it.

The AI assasinated one of my researching mages...that was pretty annoying.
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Old October 29th, 2003, 02:33 AM
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Default Re: Dominions 2. AI. Suggestions, that how to fix it.

Do you know how to psuedo code or basic? Not really programming but writing out a set of instructions. What kinds of things would you add? Im not trying to be funny its just that for me this would be where I wouild go next after saying the AI needs some smart code.

If (indep less than 5) or (mapProvinces less than 140) then
spend income/2 on PatrollingUnit

If (PatrollingUnit = MaxAssigned) then
go forth as large army
begin new Patrolling Unit

If (neighbor not owned by me) and (neighbor not owned by indep) then
purchase elite troops

[ October 29, 2003, 00:34: Message edited by: Gandalf Parker ]
This game is NOT suitable for students, interns, apprentices, or anyone else who is expected to pass tests on a regular basis. Do not think about strategies while operating heavy machinery. Before beginning this game make arrangements for someone to check on you daily. If you find that your game has continued for more than 36 hours straight then you should consult a physician immediately (Do NOT show him the game!)
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Old October 29th, 2003, 03:44 AM

LordArioch LordArioch is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 2. AI. Suggestions, that how to fix it.

I'm not to be trusted near code...but I find the AI should be perhaps more agressive...I have yet to see a computer player take the initive in attacking me so I can deal with them one at a time. If they were more agressive I'd definitely be losing the resultant multi-front war.
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Old October 29th, 2003, 08:14 AM
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Default Re: Dominions 2. AI. Suggestions, that how to fix it.

BTW i just saw AI having army of 110 units... I have also seen armies of 30-50 units several times. The AI also uses province defence a lot. The Machaka AI i played against used blitz forces made out of Spider Riders, Spider Knights and Black Hunters.

[ October 29, 2003, 06:16: Message edited by: Nerfix ]

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Old October 29th, 2003, 09:20 AM
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Default Re: Dominions 2. AI. Suggestions, that how to fix it.

Yeah... I'm playing Machaka, with all races on "difficult". Ctis keeps trouncing me, attacking with... oh, around 80 units, on turn 10. This is with default settings (except indies are 5). I keep slaughtering them, but their armies still grow bigger every turn.

I keep finding that gold is a precious commodity in this game! Wow... especially for machaka. Oh, and sacred units are hard to come by, as well. I kind of hoped all Machaka's spiders would be sacred...

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Old October 29th, 2003, 10:49 AM

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Default Re: Dominions 2. AI. Suggestions, that how to fix it.

a poster got a very valid point about the AI : the AI dont go enough for quality. This is why we see so many indeps units in the AI armies.

I think the AI algorithm should be refined on what to buy. An ideal proportion of weak troops should be fixed, and recruitment in these weak troops should be stopped when the % is reached.

You can then refine the system by changing the proportion depending on what type of AI level, the type of map, or nation the AI play, but as of now, here is a raw first implementation :

troop quality (TQ) : gold + resource cost

National average of TQ : for each unit (not leader!) type in the national roster, compute TQ. Average it. It gives the average TQ of the nation (Ulm would have a higher TQ than say Ctis IMO). Lets call it NATQ

ideal TQ proportion to be reached:
TQ inf 0.5 NATQ : 20%
0.5 NATQ inf TQ inf 0.9 NATQ : 20 %
0.9 NATQ inf TQ inf 1.3 NATQ : 40%
1.3 NATQ inf TQ : 20%

have to use inf for the inferior sign, as otherwise the post decipher it as an HTML flag

Troop recruitment:
order of province browsing: to be determined smartly. I can post an algo, but this is not my point here, and it have to include a bunch of params.

so ...

get a sorted list of province where the recruitment will take place.
sort each type of troop available, from highest TQ to lowest. if troop Category is in a TQ which is undermanned, recruit 1. Repeat until no more gold, resource, or TQ is ok. Proceed to the next troop type.
Then proceed to the next province.

improvment :
overrides (partial or complete) should be used if the province has a particularly high interest in the 'province which will undertake recruitment list'.

this is very crude. You can refine by splitting desired proportion between main line units, missiles, cavalry, etc.
Currently playing: Dominions III, Civilization IV, Ageod American Civil War.
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Old October 29th, 2003, 11:12 AM

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Default Re: Dominions 2. AI. Suggestions, that how to fix it.

forgot something of importance:

Some of you wonder why the tac AI is so good, whereas the strat AI is average.

The main difference lie in a word 'cooperation'. Cooperating mechanisms in AI coding is one of the hardest thing to do well. It is even more difficult that learning behaviors.

A given leader/unit in the tac AI dont cooperate that much with the other. Sure, it evaluate that casting poison clouds everywhere if your army is not poison warded is detrimental, but a simple fitness function can tell him that. The tac Ai, for spell casting for example, browse all the spells at his disposal, and get a numerical appreciation on how the spell would be of interest.
With that in mind, with some serious tweaking and work, you can get a good AI for your mages.

The situation is completely different and much more complex for the strat AI. You cant simply tell him to start with biggest stack, seek the best objective for this army, then proceed to the next. I wont discuss further the issue, but believe me the devs made already a very good job with the dom AI.

so much for the 'why dont they do a strat AI as good as the tac AI'
Currently playing: Dominions III, Civilization IV, Ageod American Civil War.
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Old October 29th, 2003, 11:18 AM

Aristoteles Aristoteles is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 2. AI. Suggestions, that how to fix it.

Yeah the AI should be more aggressive if you are at war with him, also the AI is mainly using cheap - weak units.

Just a question: Can't you guys contact with Adam West from Crosscut about scripting? Maybe he could help you scripting a better strategical AI, if hes got enough time for that.
Just a suggestion..
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