
February 8th, 2004, 12:17 AM
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Re: Debate and Duel (D&D)
Originally posted by Argitoth:
We need other "D&D" players too. Find your undefeatable strategy and start debating.
I'd be happy to just play a game, but people these days are such weenies with incredibly short attention spans. Can't even get people who can concentrate for more than about 2 hours straight, let alone 20. I remember in the old days, it was no problem finding people who could concentrate on something for 30 hours straight, and there was something WRONG with you if you couldn't easily do 20. Nowadays, you're lucky if you can get somebody who's attention span is longer than 20 minutes. Bah.

February 8th, 2004, 12:31 AM
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Re: Debate and Duel (D&D)
Originally posted by Norfleet:
Nowadays, you're lucky if you can get somebody who's attention span is longer than 20 minutes. Bah.
Try talking to Zen then. He and I had no trouble playing a game (with 2 others as well) Last night for a couple of hours (until someone won) and then Zen and I chatted for a few more hours after that.
The real problem is that we have too many twitch gamers who think TBS is just really slow RTS. No thinking, no subtlety, no elegance. Just build hordes and throw them at someone. Bah.

February 8th, 2004, 01:03 AM
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Re: Debate and Duel (D&D)
Originally posted by Argitoth:
Yo, We might have to do this on sunday. You availible?
Sure. I'll need to see if I can get AIM to work again. What's your contact info?

February 8th, 2004, 01:40 AM
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Re: Debate and Duel (D&D)
You should get Trillian
AIM: Argitoth
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MSN: Argitoth@hotmail.com
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February 8th, 2004, 02:06 AM
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Re: Debate and Duel (D&D)
Originally posted by Arryn:
The real problem is that we have too many twitch gamers who think TBS is just really slow RTS. No thinking, no subtlety, no elegance. Just build hordes and throw them at someone. Bah.
Bah, indeed. I recently had the displeasure of making such an acquaintance. He *SAID* he liked strategy games. Then he complained the game was too slow and there wasn't any action! 5 turns later, he'd lost about 5 provinces to random events, and I hadn't even lifted a finger to actually attack him yet. Then on the moment one of the other players attacked him while he was complaining *I* wasn't attacking him, he quit the game.
What a baby.
Then I find out from the person who invited him over in the first place that this person is, in fact, a Starcraft weenie. BAH!
[ February 08, 2004, 00:07: Message edited by: Norfleet ]

February 9th, 2004, 04:53 AM
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Re: Debate and Duel (D&D)
Unimportant post.... Just read the above.
[ February 09, 2004, 04:06: Message edited by: Argitoth ]

February 9th, 2004, 05:18 AM
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Re: Debate and Duel (D&D)
Any noteworthy disintegrations?

February 9th, 2004, 05:30 AM
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Re: Debate and Duel (D&D)
About disintegration... I casted it a few times and it did nothing. I was going to assassinate his commanders with disintegration but my assassins died when they retreated during assassinations. That is a bug, so I gave up on assassinations after that.
[ February 09, 2004, 04:08: Message edited by: Argitoth ]

February 9th, 2004, 05:34 AM
Re: Debate and Duel (D&D)
It's not a bug. It's a game parameter. You can't retreat from an assassination attempt. I believe it's intentional.

February 9th, 2004, 05:36 AM
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Re: Debate and Duel (D&D)
Graeme Won... damn... The battle took around 8 hours to finish. I gave up by turn 66 after my pretender died from an unknown cause casting Stygian Paths. (He didn't die from the spell)
I was making 31 death gems a turn after casting Well of Misery.
Graeme... he had some really evil plans. He started causing lots of unrest. I was able to contain it for a little while Until I got massive spam "UNREST YOU IDIOT DO SOMETHIUNG ABOUT IT"... I couldn't do anything.
He started casting Hordes from Hell. I finally got Well of Misery and began casting Ghost Riders and Arouse Hunger like crazy. It didn't seem to do anything but Graeme said, "Ahhh. I was finding them to be very annoying."
I casted Plague on his home province just to try it out. I could have casted it a lot more times. Only after the end of the game did Graeme tell me his home province went to 9000 population after my only casting of the spell. I gotta cast that more often!
Really exciting game, but I got tired that his Vampire Queen pretender ran away from my pretender instead of fighting to HER death. Yes, she would have permanently died if she didn't run.
This shot was taken in the heroes list. My pretender died right after casting Stygian Path.
This is the news confirming my pretender and all his units safely went through.
This is the battle. My pretender is nowhere to be seen. Note: He is resistant to cold. Another note: I made the wights start in the front while my pretender stayed a bit more in back. Another another note: I checked the message from the battle and there were no commanders included.
Daaaamn.... look at all the unrest
My knowledge is absolute! Supreme! I know all.
End-game look of Urgaia.
[ February 09, 2004, 04:45: Message edited by: Argitoth ]
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