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Old August 1st, 2004, 09:35 PM
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Default Re: Speeding Up Tien Chi Spring and Autumn ?!

Originally posted by Vynd:
Whether Boron's strategy would work or not, to present it as an example of how S&A is a prefectly good theme seems silly to me. You can take terrible scales and a super-charged Pretender with any nation and any theme. So playing S&A this way is almost like playing no theme at all. Actually, it is worse than that, I think. Because there are other themes that actually reward you for having, say, a heavy cold scale, and thus are better at this sort of strategy than S&A is.
no other theme has as bad national troops as tien chi s&a .

so with forced at least turmoil 1 scale your income is anyway very bad compared to others .
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Old August 2nd, 2004, 11:50 AM

pinko commie pinko commie is offline
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Default Re: Speeding Up Tien Chi Spring and Autumn ?!

Originally posted by Boron:
Originally posted by Vynd:
Whether Boron's strategy would work or not, to present it as an example of how S&A is a prefectly good theme seems silly to me. You can take terrible scales and a super-charged Pretender with any nation and any theme. So playing S&A this way is almost like playing no theme at all. Actually, it is worse than that, I think. Because there are other themes that actually reward you for having, say, a heavy cold scale, and thus are better at this sort of strategy than S&A is.
no other theme has as bad national troops as tien chi s&a .

so with forced at least turmoil 1 scale your income is anyway very bad compared to others .

What? Tien Chi doesnt have the worst national troops!! The archers are great, the cav is decent, and even the footmen and pikemen are ok for their cost (nothing to write home about, but not utter crap). I dont see how you can say this.

The scales you suggest are for Ermor. Only Ermor or maybe Pan CW can recruit researchers without money. If you have about 100 gold a turn, you can get a MotD every now and then, but you wont be able to recruit anything else, cant build temples or labs or forts, and have not a heck of a lot to research with or even make your summons or preach. Thus you will be purely vq-based and just have to hope that your dominion will be good enough to make sure she survives. Just sounds odd to me, not much like Tien Chi at all, sounds like Ermor without the theme and the undead. But I suppose the main question is: Is it fun??
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Old August 2nd, 2004, 11:56 AM

Pickles Pickles is offline
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Default Re: Speeding Up Tien Chi Spring and Autumn ?!

Originally posted by pinko commie:
" But I suppose the main question is: Is it fun?? "

for you & your opponents

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Old August 2nd, 2004, 12:11 PM
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Default Re: Speeding Up Tien Chi Spring and Autumn ?!

Originally posted by pinko commie:
What? Tien Chi doesnt have the worst national troops!! The archers are great, the cav is decent, and even the footmen and pikemen are ok for their cost (nothing to write home about, but not utter crap). I dont see how you can say this.

The scales you suggest are for Ermor. Only Ermor or maybe Pan CW can recruit researchers without money. If you have about 100 gold a turn, you can get a MotD every now and then, but you wont be able to recruit anything else, cant build temples or labs or forts, and have not a heck of a lot to research with or even make your summons or preach. Thus you will be purely vq-based and just have to hope that your dominion will be good enough to make sure she survives. Just sounds odd to me, not much like Tien Chi at all, sounds like Ermor without the theme and the undead. But I suppose the main question is: Is it fun??
i didn't write tien chi their troops are not bad i wrote tien chi s&a . really hard to find any other nation / theme who has worse troops than tien chi s&a .

if you don't have to much bad luck in the beginning with negative events although you chose luck 3 it is fun imho .
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Old August 2nd, 2004, 12:43 PM

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Default Re: Speeding Up Tien Chi Spring and Autumn ?!

My experience with S+A has been quite different from the Boards. It rocks right out of the box.

I have had the most success going uber scales....

T1/P3/temp0/G3/L3/M1 citadel magicless nata. Sure you don't get sacred bonuses, but you don't need 'em.

Your income, while not initally fabulous, is quite adequate, your nata is easily equipable (ice swords, etc) and/or disposable.

If a nomagic nata with sacred mages makes you nervous, an Earth 4 nata works well, but them you have to be VERY careful with it. At least until the healing heroine arrives.

The citadel keeps you off the early victim list in crowded conditions, and you can get a CM every turn after very mild expansion. And the spirits fodder are invaluable.

I *do* think the S+A sacred troops need a boost, in terms of the number that can be summoned per mage turn. As it is they are not cost effective.

Also, as a pet peeve, I'm not sure why the water spirits are *POOR* amphibians... They are elemental critters, I'd think they'd get a bonus in solution!

The DoHW are actually more accessible, since a lucky MotW can summon them. The DoHF, while lovely in theory... are much too difficult to obtain.

Rabe the S+A Fan
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Old August 2nd, 2004, 12:54 PM
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Default Re: Speeding Up Tien Chi Spring and Autumn ?!

I think that Earth 4 Nataraja dying once, or even twice, is not earthbreaking. You can still cast Summon Earthpower and Invulnerability with E3 and 2, but the fatique you gets much higher.
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Old August 2nd, 2004, 04:11 PM
Mardagg Mardagg is offline
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Default Re: Speeding Up Tien Chi Spring and Autumn ?!

I like S&A and I dont think that it needs improvement.
I had been quite succesful in SP games with following scales:

Watch Tower,Dominion 5.
Ghost King 2W,3E,4D.

My approach seems to be exactly in between Boron`s and Rabe`s
Goal is to rely completely on summoned troops/battle mage armies as fast as possible.
S&A seems to fit very well for such a tactic:
-you have several nice starting summoning spells
-you have extremely good site search abilities
-you have very strong battle mages
-you have good research right from the start,if you only recruit national mages,no troops.

For initial expansion,I have my Ghost King SC,who, if played correctly,is very strong in conquering Indie provinces(indie strength 6 or 7),starting with it at turn 3.

I didnt play a MP game with this yet though.
I guess on a crowded map,I could have difficulties if I encounter a nation with strong national troops at the start,who is able to deal with my Breath of Winter Ghost King,e.g. Jotunheim,before I get my summonings rolling.
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Old August 2nd, 2004, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: Speeding Up Tien Chi Spring and Autumn ?!

Originally posted by tinkthank:
"Worse" national troops (although caveat: uncontextualized superlatives make NO SENSE in dominions 2, I am only doing this because it seems you want to hear something like this!)

1. Mictlan
2. Pangaia
3. Ermor

Like I said in my caveat, I don't really agree to this, because "worst" makes no sense uncontextualized, but there you go. Consider contexts, such as: Atlantis and Abysia have NO missile troops, Ctis troops have low morale, etc.

with 95 gold per turn, you may have better magic, but you have no one to do the research! You have a great vq, but do you want her to research? You can recruit a ModT per turn, as long as nothing burns down, and they are fine researchers to be sure, but that is it.

Like I said in my first post here, it seems that these scales can be applied to any nation with exactly the same degree of success; thus, it seems like
1. an odd idea to want to apply it to S&A.
2. a scary idea, because if it is good for everyone, then it is an "easy one-size-fits-all" solution, and these are notoriously inadmissable in Dom2.
Thus, I doubt its validity.
yeah everybody has his own style

but to your suggestions of worse troops :
pangenea + ermor all themes have at least partially upkeep free freespawns / reanimations .
ok not pangenea new age but pan standard has maenads . and their normal troops are pretty good , e.g. minotaurs , revelrers .
if you mean with ermor be ermor they have principles + a kind of praetorian guard ( can't remember the name ) they have almost the same statistics as the pythium counterparts .

finally mictlan : they seem to have bad troops too but slaves are almost for free and they should seek their glory in demons anyway .
their sacred troops are not too bad .

tien chi s&a has really only the archers + the footmen worth being recruited .
but with their FORCED turmoil 1 if they want to compensate they need to invest 240 points to get the same income as any other nation who has totally flat scales .

any other nation can take order 3 death 2-3 sloth 2-3 and has higher income than tien chi s&a can ever reach .
but they have +40-120 points to spend on pretender while tien chi has to spend -240 points on economy scales .
+ additional -80 points by luck 1 and magic 1 forced by the theme .

so only few points are left for pretender .
if you want the ability to summon your first midgame summons without need for empower you need to take it on your pretender even with tien chi s&a .
the highest you may ever get in fire or air with tien chi is 3 on a celestial master .
but that only with 1/64 probability .

expect coatl all summonable mages need at least 3 more likely 4 or 5 in one path .

furthermore most path increasing items need a forge skill in the path of 3 .

with your economy scales you can only reach a income similiar to flat scales .

if my build is too extreme then take away cold 3 and turmoil 3 but keep sloth 3 and death 3 .

still i have + 240 points from sloth + death this way and only about 20-30% lower income then you with the investment of 240 points for growth 3 + prod 3 .

i have this way +480 points for only 20 - 30 % less income .

s&a is really a special case there because i know no other theme / nation which forces you to take turmoil .

with most other races i of course go too order 3 , death 2-3 and sloth 2-3 .

but because order 3 is impossible with turmoil 1+ and to compensate by growth + productivity is too expensive imho i completely go ermorlike scales with them .

if an early war breaks out i have at least a vq to scare some invaders off and you have no early game combat pretender .

as i showed most other nations have about +400 extra points for sc pretender design compared to your scales rabe and tinktank .

what troops do you use midgame then rabe ?
if you find no independent good mages and because you have a 0 magic nataraja as you said your best bet for midgame is to hope for a air 3 celestial master ( 1/64 probability ) and forge 2 +1 air items for air queens .

if man / vanheim participate they will have them earlier than you .

so you have a really hard time to field any additional sc's .

my vq instead has the ability to summon the whole death spectrum .
if i midgame summon e.g. a wraithlord he can then summon the following bane lords + item forge .

so please tell me rabe what magic troops can you field midgame to strengthen your armies ?

really curious i know i must have overlooked something with my assertions
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Old August 2nd, 2004, 04:23 PM
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Default Re: Speeding Up Tien Chi Spring and Autumn ?!

Originally posted by Mardagg:
I like S&A and I dont think that it needs improvement.
I had been quite succesful in SP games with following scales:

Watch Tower,Dominion 5.
Ghost King 2W,3E,4D.

My approach seems to be exactly in between Boron`s and Rabe`s
Goal is to rely completely on summoned troops/battle mage armies as fast as possible.
S&A seems to fit very well for such a tactic:
-you have several nice starting summoning spells
-you have extremely good site search abilities
-you have very strong battle mages
-you have good research right from the start,if you only recruit national mages,no troops.

For initial expansion,I have my Ghost King SC,who, if played correctly,is very strong in conquering Indie provinces(indie strength 6 or 7),starting with it at turn 3.

I didnt play a MP game with this yet though.
I guess on a crowded map,I could have difficulties if I encounter a nation with strong national troops at the start,who is able to deal with my Breath of Winter Ghost King,e.g. Jotunheim,before I get my summonings rolling.
you are very close to my approach ihmo
my attempt is only a bit more radical but my "modest" suggestion with heat 0 and turmoil 1 is almost like your approach

we have exactly the same key opinions with tien chi s&a
-screw national troops almost 100%
-rely for expansion on sc pretender mainly
-use the sc to summon the first midgame mages
-rely on summons , your sc pretender can summon a lot

your ghostking can as my vq easily summon the whole bunch of death troops . only for wraith lords you need 1 empowerment ( cheap , 10 gems 2 handed death staff ) . only tartarians are a bit hard to achieve but wraith lords + bane lords are absolutely sufficient .

thnx for sharing my viewpoint Mardagg
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Old August 2nd, 2004, 04:58 PM
Mardagg Mardagg is offline
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Default Re: Speeding Up Tien Chi Spring and Autumn ?!

Originally posted by Boron:
you are very close to my approach ihmo
my attempt is only a bit more radical but my "modest" suggestion with heat 0 and turmoil 1 is almost like your approach

we have exactly the same key opinions with tien chi s&a
-screw national troops almost 100%
-rely for expansion on sc pretender mainly
-use the sc to summon the first midgame mages
-rely on summons , your sc pretender can summon a lot

your ghostking can as my vq easily summon the whole bunch of death troops . only for wraith lords you need 1 empowerment ( cheap , 10 gems 2 handed death staff ) . only tartarians are a bit hard to achieve but wraith lords + bane lords are absolutely sufficient .

thnx for sharing my viewpoint Mardagg [/QB]
Actually I didnt read your modest suggestion when writing my reply
So,concerning your radical strat,I should be exactly in between yours and Rabe`s.
Still,even with your modest suggestion,there are some more or less important differences between our approaches left :

I go exactly for the opposite here
If I plan to go for summonings and good research ,I dont want to play too agressively in MP.
With Growth 3,I am able to adapt to every game situation and ,if necessary,to not expand for quite a while,just relying on good gem income/research.
After all,my income increases,even when I dont expand.
Also you have to keep in mind,that while certainly being on top in gem income and research with such a strat,you should not be on top in provinces,otherwise there will be quite likely an alliance formed against you....with Death:3 you will need quite a lot provinces to compensate,though.


You pay a lot for your VQ.
Personally,I dont fear a strong VQ that much.
With S&A,Imo,you only need a SC for early expansion and to scare away early opponents.The Ghost King will do this nearly as good as the VQ,even though you have to be more careful concerning battle afflictions,but you get much better scales and dont need that much a high dominion.
Even worse,with VQ,high Dominion AND Death :3 ,you can be sure,that noone will like you,except maybe Ermor and CW-Pangaea.
So,while both of us aim for strong high end summonings ,you most likely will be in wars early on and this will slow down you a lot

Btw,for Tartarian Gate,Death 4 is enough.
I always forge at least 1 Ring of Sorcery,expecially when I have Dwarfen Hammers,and this is enough for Tartarian Gate,together with the other Death enhancing items.
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