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Old February 2nd, 2005, 11:01 PM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Forgot Fred Saberhagen and Patricia C. Wrede.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old February 3rd, 2005, 12:04 AM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Try Neal Stephenson - Cryptonomicon, Baroque Cycle.

But it was a foregone conlusion at the beginning of the season that Enterprise wasn't going to a next season. It was not going to make it and therefore got moved to the timeslot of death. Friday night.
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Old February 3rd, 2005, 12:20 AM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Yeah I read one thing from David Drake in the "Fleet Series" and the moment he started mentioning a guy finger ****ing a woman's bum I figured out he can go FAR beyond R lol.

Anyway Ent's writers were trying to get back on track this season as I understand it, and sadly UPN decided they are probobly gonna throw in yet another all black casted show just like they did when they replaced Special Unit 2 (which wasn't so great granted but THE PARKERS GAW!) anyway they suck and I hope ENT gets picked up by a network that knows what the hell they are doing.

[edit] Okay I just realized that might soudn racist, please let me explain:

A. Some of my best friends are of other races so I have no problem with black people.

B. I DO HOWEVER have a problem with the fact that every show has to have a "token black guy" to keep from being sued for this or that, yet we see shows like "The Parkers" and the like which have no white folks unless it's to make fun of them and they don't get in trouble.

C. I DO have a problem with UPN because they seem to be turning into a second BET and have killed good shows because they are not "ethnic" enough........think about it (rolleyes)

D. Again I have no problem with black people as a whole just when it falls into catagory B and C
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Old February 3rd, 2005, 12:23 AM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Atrocities said:
When you consider the fans stupid, and refuse to listen to what they are saying, and go ahead and produce episodes that decimate establish Trek lore, you get burned.
What established Star Trek lore? There are continuity breaches in practically every episode ever produced. Enterprise was nothing earth-shattering, in this respect.


If I were producing Enterprise the first rule I would have had would have been to state that the Romulan Conflict happened BEFORE the series started. Or, even better, have the Romulan Conflict as the catalyst for Enterprise and not this crappy *** temperal war BS that was force fed to us.

There was a theory bandied about that Enterprise wasn't really about the past, it was about the future Feds using the Enterprise as a pawn in their affairs. Also, when your lead is the former lead from Quantum Leap, Time Travel is to be expected.


The Klingon ridge issue could have been explained away as the Klingons while attempting to appear more human in order to inflitrate the Federation, suffored a horrific biological catastrophy that resulted in the genetic alteration of their appearance and swept through their poplulace like a raging plague.

The Klingons would be embarassed by this and would spend the next 120 years looking for a way to reverse it. This would explain away the differance between TOS and TMP klingons. Again, this was too complicated for the writers to figure out.

This IS in fact the official story-related explanation given, or something close to it anyway. It was more simplistic, ie, the klingons seen in TOS were the genetically altered variety, and the rest are the original stock.

The truth is less dramatic: they simply didn't have the money (or makeup technology) when TOS aired to give the klingons their intended appearance. (Source: Star Trek Memories, William Shatner)
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Old February 3rd, 2005, 12:39 AM

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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Wow angered trek fans, we need shelter lots of beer and food for the next few months. Now run go find this and get back before the Angered trek fans

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Old February 3rd, 2005, 01:41 AM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

We've seen Romulans, but the crew hasn't!

Anyway, I thought it was rather clever in the last episode with the remote controlled ship.

Furthermore, I think the series might be renewed if Enterprise fans are persuasive enough.
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Old February 3rd, 2005, 03:09 AM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

I thought Special Unit 2 was hilarious and a breath of fresh air.

Oh yeah, currently watching unbreakable. Comments:

My Dad: "Turn the goofy light on!"
Shortly after:
Dad: "Could you pause it so I can go to the bathroom?"

Me: "I thought it was paused."

It is interesting, it's just that they could have cut it down to 30-40 minutes without loosing much.

Have to add an exchange that just happened:

Me: "Well, we started watching about 8:30 so there's probably only a half-hour left."

Dad: "We still havn't watched the second disk."

Me: "That's special features."

We looked at each other and burst out laughing. You might have to have watched it to get it.

Dad: "What, will they show it with the lights on?"
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old February 3rd, 2005, 03:44 AM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Captain Kwok said:
We've seen Romulans, but the crew hasn't!

Anyway, I thought it was rather clever in the last episode with the remote controlled ship.

Furthermore, I think the series might be renewed if Enterprise fans are persuasive enough.
I liked the episode as well, and agree it was a cool trick. But I still think that if the series had played off the Romulan Conflict as the catalist for the series it would have been better. But thats a mute point. To fix it now they MUST continue the series and that does not look likely at this point.
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Old February 3rd, 2005, 01:13 PM

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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Those bastards! Enterprise was the only show worth watching on Friday nights. Gah, better stop here before the language degenerates too much...
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Old February 3rd, 2005, 05:04 PM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

With SG-1, Atlantis and Galactica on Fridays, I was just a bit disappointed that Enterprise had been moved to Fridays. I was going to have to tape it or watch the episode on Sunday (I think!)

While I agree that the last couple of SG-1 episodes seem unfocused, I rather like it. After the constant build-up of villains to greater heights, Baal is almost 'ordindary' and something of a let-down. The replicators make for an interesting enemy now that SG-1 may have to side with the Goauld to defeat them. But the lack of focus and intensity that the stories had is hopefully time taken to build into new storylines.

I'm just looking forward to the return of Claudia Black....and may it be when Ben Browder show up as well!!
I'm about to turn it up a notch!!

Where's the ka-boom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering ka-boom!
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