cleveland said:
Apparently, units defending a stormed fortress survive if they retreat from the battle.
This seems unthematic to me. I'm curious to know what the community thinks.
Should fort defenders - who otherwise couldn't leave the besieged fortress, and would die if retreating during a sally - survive if they retreat when the fortress is stormed?
It basically comes down to the game not being complex enough to cover whether or not units can retreat. The game would have to include other features such as:
1) A hidden escape tunnel (possible new structure or spell)
2) Retreating units would need to fight enemy units patrolling the castle. Basically the units would start the battle already routing and need to run past the patrollers.
3) Some castles depending on terrain could also make retreat impossible... a sort of "Helms Deep" with no tunnels. It would be wrong to assume all castles have no way of retreat.
4) An in-game formula which has a percentage of those retreating disappear from wild animals, being lost, loss of faith, etc,. .
5) Retreating via boat if one of the commanders has sailing and water provinces are nearby thus reaching friendly province(s) across water.
In any case this discussion should wait until the beginning of development for DOM_4... we're not going to see a code change this late in the game.
cleveland said:
They aren't dying, they're surrendering.
Only in our recent modern history does surrendering exist with a happy ending. I don't think any troops would be willing to surrender to late age ERMOR or middle age C'Tis and other such nations.
If late age ERMOR won the castle you were patrolling... and you surrendered... they would instantly turn you undead to make sure you wouldn't surrender again.