I don't know who dispelled the forge, dispel is anonymous. I have my suspicions though. Offer for the hammers is still on though, I've spares
Anyway, let's gossip. I'm hungry for news from other parts of the world, but I'll share a few things myself too.
War with the Yomi is in the full swing. I've repelled his raiders and started counter offensive, my thugs flying over his provinces and striking vulnerable points, with one of the armies getting as far as his capital (which is not particularly deep into his territory from my direction, though). The siege is on, but as his pretender and 2 Dai Onis, full magic gear and nasty army killing spells scripted - which i found by casting Call of the Winds at them, fortunately wasting most of their gem supplies last turn - are just one province away. Meanwhile though, with 2 other castles besieged by scouts with death wish, Yomi's recruiting ability is very limited, for a short while at least. A few provinces away a successful raid by 2 bane lords managed to capture province with 6 enchantress and slaughter the witches, as I'm sure most of you will hear with pleasure.
Mine and Yomi struggle has let Caelum catch the second breath. Now, with his capital free and provinces around being succesively liberated from Yomi grasp, while he's still in a weak position, there is a slight hope of recovery. Of course, such a recovery would require a diplomatic effort with winner of Agartha-Yomi war, and basing on my previous experience of Caelum diplomatic skill and attitude, seems quite unlikely.
A little beyond my eastern border Abyssia is continuing it's successful campaign against C'tis. It seems C'tis tried to eat something it can't swallow, specially now that rumors of Arcoscephale joining the fray come. Will they negotiate?
Perhaps other Arco or Abyssia neighbours will smell the opportunity for a back stab? Or will C'tis be destroyed whole, and if it happens so, will Abyssia and Arco start to fight each other over the lizards corpse as Agartha and Yomi did over bird one?
As the last piece of news, situation underwater still seems to be peaceful. R'lyeh and Atlantis have split the seas between themselves (though Atlantis has some holdings on the land too, i don't know whether R'lyeh does too). We ourselves have wondered for a while when this unnatural peace would end, but it seems both nations are too afraid to dare try to conquer all the seas. Or perhaps the frogs and the squids plotting together in collusion against all the land dwellers? We would welcome reports from other that support or rebut this theory.
That concludes the info from the north, let's hope others are willing to gossip too
EDIT: typos