alarikf said:
1) how do you do practically an AI deathmatch? Ie: how do you load up the game so only AIs are running, etc...
In my game tests, discovered that an empire started as human and changed to be 100% under AI control, doesn't work exactly like an empire started as AI player.
Then, in my test games always use an "human empire" as first player, with all the ministers OFF. Usually I make them start into a systems without warpoints (then, nobody take advantage of them).
After the human empire, I load the empires that want to test and select the option "Computer Controlled".
alarikf said:
2) how long do you let it run (in turns) before calling the game, or do you just let it run until only one is left? And, if so, how practically is this done?
Use a program that I did some years ago, named "SE4 batch". With it, I can run the game X turns and keep save games each 10 turns (for example).
If you wish, can send it to you (although some people had problems running it).
Also, Ruatha, who posted some *.bat files that can help you to run SE4 x number of times.
IF you have XP (and think W2000), you can use this bat:
set counter = 0
set /a counter = %counter% + 1
if exist Gamepath\Se4.exe
IF "%counter%"==5 goto End
Gamepath\Se4.exe "Game" "password" "0" "modname" -nd
goto loop
This Bat would run SEIV 5 times (of course you can change the number of times).
If you have Win98, need to use this other bat (also posted by Ruatha and works in XP too):
@echo off >NULL
if not [%1]==[] goto Okay
echo Syntax: %0 Number
goto End
if [%2]==[::] goto 2nd time around
if [%3]==[::] goto 3rd time around
if [%4]==[::] goto 4th time around
if [%5]==[::] goto 5th time around
%comspec% /e:2048 /c %0 %1 ::
goto End
:2nd time around
for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do call %0 %1 %%v ::
goto End
:3rd time around
for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do call %0 %1 %2 %%v ::
goto End
:4th time around
for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do call %0 %1 %2 %3 %%v ::
goto End
:5th time around
echo %2%3%4
if [%1]==[%4] exit
if [%1]==[%3%4] exit
if [%1]==[%2%3%4] exit
start /w Gamepath\Se4.exe "Game" "password" "0" "modname"
You need to run this bat, indicating the number of loops.
If you named the bat AUTO, then, you can call it with:
AUTO 5, and will run 5 times.
alarikf said:
3) in your experience, how well, if at all, do AIs deal with one-way warp points?
Never did this test... but think the AI would be in problems to manage it.
alarikf said:
4)Do you have a list of, say, the top 20 AIs that I should use to do such a rigorous test as I describe?
Think you should try my signature to check the firsts AI deatmatch editions.
Here the list of the 18 best AIs of the current Death Match.
United Flora
Space Vikings
Earth Alliance
Narn Regime
alarikf said:
thanks in advance for any and all assistance!
No problem!