Star Trek Mod v1.1.2
1. Fixed Federation Frigate Tech Level now is 2 instead of 4
2. Added Federation Escort II (Will use defiant mount)
3. Changed Federation Escort availible at start for Federation
4. Changed Federation Escort BMP from Defiant to Nova
5. Changed 8472 Warp Weapons requirement for Physics 4 to Physics 2
6. Changed All Races Research Files in the hopes of improving Ai use.
7. Changed Federation Impulse Einge VI now available with Slipsteam Drive
8. Changed Structural Integrity Field I - V Tonage to 0 for all (Kowks original plan)
9. Changed Structural Integrity Field I - V Supply Usage to 0 for all (Kowks original plan)
10. Changed General Ship Construction cost from 10k to 100k
11. Fixed 8472 Quantum Singularity Beam was showing up in other races technology
12. Changed Impulse Engine I - VI General Group from Impulse Engine to Engines (AI should use them now)
13. Changed Bussard Collector General Group from Engines to Supply
14. Changed DesignCreation for all race in the hope of improving AI usage