Kristoffer O said:
How did the twilight games work out? I have never played MP with magic that restricted.
I thought they were quite a bit of fun - we couldn't add any magic to our choice of pretender chassis, meaning that they could be useful, but weren't overpowering.
The lack of magic sites meant that finding anything was a great event, and lower level summonings had to be used that never obsoleted the national troops.
It was also neat the different strategies some of us used regarding pretenders : in one, Graeme choose the great wyrm, which combined with Serpent Cult Pythium meant that he could risk dying with no real loss - his researchers could bring him back in 1 turn, and no magic to lose. Quantum took a titan, to get the highest possible magic, and I took the burliest dual magic path chassis I could find (carrion dragon).
One thing we found was that it's necessary to be very careful about choices of maps.
One (Tyrande) had way too many high powered magic sites built into the map, another (Yalun-to) had too many impassable areas (a section separated by cliffs, and with no magic, difficult to get into the sea) and a single province that was essentially a chokepoint for the entire map.
But they were a lot of fun.