***On hosting***
If I receive no mail, message or PM from you before the 24h host countdown has ended telling me that you can't get in your turn, I WILL HOST. This is to maintain "game flow". Pauses are permitted to a certain limit (at maximum a week), but YOU must inform ME or I WILL HOST. If anyone has a problem with this inform me before the game start and we can maybe work something out.
Players: 9
Map: Modified Loemendor
Age: Late
Independents: 7
Graphs: Enabled (unintentional)
Renaming: On
Magic Sites: 50%
Random Events: Common
Resources: Average
Research: Average
Hall of Fame: 10 slots
Victory: Standard
Nation Assignments: Fixed
Hosting: Every 24h
Mods: Worthy Heroes & Blessings Hotfix
Sheap's Rules of Diplomacy
Link to Worthy Heroes 1.6
Link to Blessings Hotfix (inside the black tome)
The map we will be playing is a modified version of Loemendor by Kaljamaha. The modification is done by me with kind permission from Kaljamaha. The reason is that I want us to play with fixed starting positions and nations. Hopefully it will be a interesting and thematic experience for everyone involved in this PBEM.
I tried to balance the map the best I could without it becoming uninteresting.
The nations I wish you to fill are:
* Pangaea (Ewierl)
* Ermor (WSzaboPeter)
* Man (JayThomas)
* Marignon (Darrel)
* Utgård (Valerius)
* R'lyeh (thraveboy)
* T'ien Ch'i (llamabeast - the host)
* C'tis (Dedas - the game master)
* Ulm (GameExtremist)
I will take the nation that is left (this means that the first 8 that answer will get to play).
Hosting will occur every 24h. This may change to 48h eventually.
Some tips to the players:
In my modification the terrain is now much important to the specific nations than in the vanilla version. Some examples:
*C'tis has both desert/waste (for its waste survival units) and swamp (for its swamp survival units) close by for added protection.
*Utgård quickly needs to gain some food for its troops as they start in snow (waste). This is very possible if the player examine the map closely for simple expansion ways.
*Marignon should take advantage of its sea faring capability as they start by the coast.
And a lot more that I will let you find out yourself.
No rules will change once the game has started.
Any suggestions before start of game are appreciated.