Berendtium has surrendered to Grandpakim.
Ya, I won but damn, it was ugly.
I started off badly overextended. I felt like a gangly, gawky teenager, all skin and bones, by the time we met. We were soon sharing three systems but for me it was just a false front; I had to fill out my empire.
In the meantime, berendtium won a few early victories. Then a few more early victories. Then some victories that could no longer be called early, before I managed to stop him.
Then the bashing began. Because our empire and ship designs as well as tactics were wildly different victories went to the one able to take advantage of his setup. He'd destroy my fleet, then I'd destroy his. This went on for quite a long time. I never exceeded 150 ships till the very end, the attrition was so heavy.
Finally I was able to solidify my defenses and prepare for a big attack, while gaining back some of the ground lost earlier. But berendtium managed to find my weakest point and send his last big fleet on a riot run. Now things got really ugly! berendtium, with the luck of the Irish was far more successful than he should have been. That success forced the cessation of all ship production and eventually a few riots. In the meantime I was steadily eating away at his holdings. Slow work, for berendtium is a formidable defender. I paid for every inch.
Eventually his riot fleet was destroyed and I began the slow rebuilding process while never stopping my steady whittling of his empire. Soon it became apparent berendtium was on his last legs and it was just a matter of time. His capitulation came just today.
* * *
Rarely do I learn much in victory. This game was an exception. berendtium is by far the most imaginative and tenacious defender I have ever run up against. I learned a bunch. If you have the opportunity to play him I guarantee it will not be easy. berendtium, congratulations to you on a well played game and the best of luck to you in the future. I enjoyed this game immensely.