I second what David Gervais said. I know, I am too lazy, but...
So, I guess I will develop my point. I sure do enjoy reading this forum (would I read almost all Posts if I were annoyed?), and it became the one I spend the most time on in a few... well... days. Call me addicted, as this is (un(?))fortunately the truth.
Thanks Slynky for your words, but I will have to check your definition of "sense of humour". While I would belive I am somewhat insane, I do not quite think this insanity makes me witty. Well, unless you were amused by my most peculiar scheme of sending shiny new warships with a "Don't get hurt" strategy. (It only works if your goal is to lose a whole fleet without achieving anything. I would then recommend you to check it out! *Please note I cannot be held responsible for any defeat resulting from this advice* But I digress.)
So yes I would consider you to be a friend, if it were not for my spy alter-ego who is somewhat worried about your... concerns. *Shrugs* But my own self regards you as a friend. *But will Slynky trust me on this one?*
As to your query, I admit I have disabled my own forum Ratings because I did not see the point. If you could at the very least add a comment, then it would be a different matter, but I received a rating without having the slightest clue about the why. (No, it was far from being a bad rating. Either a four or a five, but that is not too useful when you only have one rating so.)
Do not worry Fyron, Slynky did not trust me either on my age. I am pretty sure he will consider I made a typo, or I lied, on my profile for my own birthdate.
(But why would we lie, I wonder.) Hmm, I apologize for my wild ravings as it seems like I have been digressing quite a lot in this post...