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Old August 26th, 2004, 03:25 PM

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Default Re: [OT] - Story thread: Xenology Resurrected

dogscoff said:FOOTNOTES:

* Any readers who happen to be members of heavy metal bands are welcome to use the phrase "orgies of mutual digestion" as an album title.
The Story was again great Dogscoff, But that footnote was just hilarious The interesting piece about the theatre was defintiely unique
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Old August 26th, 2004, 06:01 PM

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Default Re: [OT] - Story thread: Xenology Resurrected

Great addition!
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Old August 27th, 2004, 05:20 AM
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Default Re: [OT] - Story thread: Xenology Resurrected

Just to voice a thumbs up. Good story.
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Old August 27th, 2004, 05:50 AM
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Default Re: [OT] - Story thread: Xenology Resurrected

Thanks everyone. Just out of interest, and slightly OT - Does anyone ever use the KanesS shipset, either as a player race or an AI race? Is everyone here aware that it even exists?
If so, would it be worth me dredging through the story and updating the shipset's (already fully charaterised) speech file with quotes?

http://www.dogscoff.co.uk/KanesS.htm (Shipset)
http://www.dogscoff.co.uk/files/KanesS_AI_Speech.txt (speech file)
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Old August 27th, 2004, 11:30 AM
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Default Re: [OT] - Story thread: Xenology Resurrected

Well, just a side note, but I have absorbed through forums osmosis that Xenology is a proportions game, and the Proportions 3.0 release funks up the AI. I mean, the AI builds colony ships filled with cargo modules.

I'd use it as an AI opponent but the AI files would probably need a major rewrite...
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Old August 27th, 2004, 12:27 PM
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Default Re: [OT] - Story thread: Xenology Resurrected


Well, just a side note, but I have absorbed through forums osmosis that Xenology is a proportions game, and the Proportions 3.0 release funks up the AI.

It does - standard AI wouldn't stand a chance, and even the specally-written proportions AIs designed for v2.x (like the KanesS AI) aren't happy in 3.0 - those are the ones you'll have had your recent experiences with.


I'd use it as an AI opponent but the AI files would probably need a major rewrite...

Major tweaking, I should think. They were fine for 2.x, and despite a few huge changes, the 3.0 tech tree is mostly the same as the 2.x tree.
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Old August 31st, 2004, 04:04 PM
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Default Re: [OT] - Story thread: Xenology Resurrected

More more more...

There is a sound that only a million tons of collapsing ice in an enclosed space can make, and few creatures get to hear it more than once. That sound now rushed through the tunnels of Corondis I, herald to a procession of destruction. First behind the wave of sound came the steam: The released energies of the bLast and the pressures of the subsequent cave-in had boiled inert ice into searing vapour in an instant, and steam raced mercilessly through the narrow network of tunnels and chambers that were the streets and buildings of the city's besieged Northwest-under district. Thousands of unwitting KanesS, their sensitive ears and sonar organs already bleeding from the sound, were boiled alive in this terrible second front. Those few that survived were subjected to the shrapnel, which pummelled and sliced and impaled. By now there were none left alive in those few tunnels closest to the bLast, and there were only corpses to be buried by the crushing, grinding wall that brought up the rear.

Tunnel warfare was an old game though, and defences had been prepared. The deadly expansion was soon absorbed by carefully excavated channels, chambers and reservoirs, the energy harmlessly redirected and hidden, locked up and made dormant once again in the planet's icy crust. The core of the rebel faction had been safe behind these defences and once the suddering stopped they regrouped, abandoned the blocked tunnels and redistributed their forces accordingly. By the time they reached their new Posts, the aristocratic guard had begun to advance and fresh gunfire lit the dark caves once again, explosive echoes of war reaching for miles through the vast buried web of the planet's capital. The battle had raged like this for months, and even the revivalists had to admit: For a bunch of meathugging pacifists they put up a bloody good fight.

It had all begun with a play. Initially, "The Bones of Aunt Slikeel" hadn't caused any trouble. It was about a pair of young lovers seperated when one of them was press-ganged into colonisation. She continued to struggle as an unskilled industrial labourer on the homeworld, while he suffered against alien conditions to help build some of the first off-world farms. The content was a largely uncontraversial, but it was universally considered to be exceptionally well-written, with an engaging story, appealling characters and an outstandingly subtle use of language. The author was heralded as the next great literary genius of the time, but no-one seemed to know who he or she was. For two years the mystery remained, while the play went to ever greater and greater fame, spreading quickly from Corondis- where it had first appeared- to the other colonies and the homeworld. By the time the author's identity was revealed, it was estimated that at least two-thirds of all adult KanesS had seen the play, most of them more than once.

The trouble began when the author finally revealed herself. Her name was Sklimeel, and she was- to use the most polite terminology available to her people- deformed. She had hatched with a mis-shapen skull, which had left her with no sense of smell, impaired hearing and only one eye. Traditionally, kanesS parents devoured the least viable quarter or so of each brood shortly after hatching, and the rigours of childhood and schooling could be counted upon to eliminate a good third of the remainder before adulthood. When it was discovered that the red plague was perpetuated by cannibalism, laws were introduced to outlaw this practise. The authorities usually turned a blind eye if you ate one or two, but any more than that was subject to strict penalties. This was enough to deter most of the middle class, but the working classes took little notice. Other tactics had to be tried with them, and the one that stuck was social engineering. The idea was introduced to the lower classes that eating other KanesS- particularly your own offspring- was not a good thing to do. All kinds of stories and superstitions were devised to nurture the idea, and after a few generations it began to show results- cannibalism fell dramatically, and the plague died out. Obvious runts were still killed and disposed of by other means, but it was normal for eighty or ninety percent of a working class litter to reach maturity. For a while everything was good: The ruling classes congratulated themselves for dealing with the problem so effectively while discretely breaking the rules themselves. The middle classes did more or less as they were told and congratulated themselves for being so much cleverer than the superstitious plebs, and the working classes congratulated themselves on being so much more virtuous than their betters and continued to breed, and to believe, and to adapt their lifestyles to accomodate the massive changes forced upon them.

It was this adaption that caused the problem. Somewhere along the line, the notion that it was 'wrong' to eat another KanesS mutated into a popular belief that it was wrong to kill, or even to harm another KanesS. Such radical beliefs were bound to spark trouble sooner or later, and it was bound to happen somewhere like Corondis. Corondis I was something of a backwater, several systems from either the homeworld or the frontiers, but it was large, rich in food and had a breathable atmosphere, so despite its somewhat remote location it had been one of the first worlds settled. As such its population was composed primarily of press-ganged, working class colonists with the kind of moderate beliefs that had spawned this new "lifeist" sentiment. The adventurous voluntary settlers of the second wave were more prevalent on the younger, frontier worlds and tended to favour the less restricted diet that colonial law- applicable as much in Corondis as in Catia or Marfak- now allowed.

What's more, this new belief was creeping up the social ladder, so that it now affected not only a large portion of the working classes, but some of the middle classes as well. Most right-thinking KanesS considered that it was only a matter of time before some idiot aristocrat decided life was fashionable and the whole fabric of KanesS society would fall apart completely. In the meantime, deformed and weak infants were being raised to maturity, and when one of them turned out to be an undisputed literary genius- acclaimed in ignorance of her deformity by even the most vocal "eat 'em all" revivalists, all hell broke loose. Sklimeel was denounced as a fraud, who was either taking flse credit for the play or who faked her disabilities, or both. She was called a freak and an abomination, and a hungry mob assembled at once to "do what her mother should have done years ago" and devour her. Lifeists rallied to her defence, claiming that her achievements were proof and vindication of their beliefs, and that untold potential had been lost over the centuries by hatch-culling. Many "kill but don't eat" moderate fence-sitters were persuaded by this argument, and peaceful protests soon became riots as full-cannibal revivalists, plague-sensitive "eat a few" conservatives and even some of the remaining moderates lined up in opposition. So provoked, those who held life so sacred soon agreed that some lives were more sacred than others and open hostilites commenced. With the various factions all mixed together in the streets and homes of the city, combat was sporadic and chaotic at first, until the two Groups finally gathered themselves together geographically and drew out their lines. In the interests of public order- and in a desperate effort to quell the rising assertion that alien intelligences (in particular, the recently-invaded Xiati) had as much right to life as any KanesS- the colonial troops moved in on the side of the moderates and conservatives, and bit by bit the rebellion was being pushed down toward the ocean below the ice. However, other colonies were beginning to stir, and Sklimeel's name was being whispered in tunnels across the conservative domains.


Appendix. (I've had footnotes, so why not an appendix?) Just a handy note to help remember the various factions involved:

-Revivalists: Want a return to full cannibalism, not only of less-favoured infants but of anyone who you don't particularly like. This Groups is composed largely of aristocrats who are either too ignorant or foolhardy to fear a return of the red plague. The relaxed laws on the colonies represent an attitude somewhere between revivalism and conservatism, leaning more toward the latter.
-Conservatives: Agree that full cannibalism isn't safe, but believe that eating the odd hatchling or debtor isn't the end of the world. Most upper and middle class and many working class KanesS fall into this Category, and so far their belief reflects the reality of KanesS society on the homeworld and the older colonies.
-Moderates: Place no particular intrisic value on KanesS life, but recognise the danger of cannibalism. Therefore they are quite happy to kill other KanesS, but not to eat them. This is the ideal according to homeworld law, but it isn't strictly enforced. Most of the working class are practising moderates, although temptation might get the better of them occasionally if someone happens to look particularly tasty.
-Lifeists: This group spawned from the moderates, and is growing in popularity. They believe that all KanesS life is intrinsically valuable, and that killing KanesS is wrong. Putting such extreme beliefs into pactise is difficult for a KanesS, so it's not hard to understand that they seem to be prepared to kill to promote their beliefs. Many of them extend the value of KanesS life to include intelligent aliens.
-Vegetarians: There are no vegetarian KanesS. Are you kidding?
-The conflict described here is essentially between the lifeists on one side, and the conservatives and revivalists on the other (with support from the military). Both sides have persuaded some moderates to their causes, but by and large the moderates don't want to get involved.


Included here for the interest of the reader is an extract from Tshkits' gastronomic guidebook (colonial third edition)- a snobbish but popular periodical among the KanesS aristocracy and aspiring entrepreneurs, which lists and catalogues a huge number of popular delicacies, how best to devour them, where to acquire them, which bits taste best, whether it's better to wait until the thing is actually dead before you start eating it, whether it's considered acceptable in polite company to fertilise and lay eggs in the still-beating heart of your meal before your guests have finished dining and so on.

Tshkit is perhaps one of the most prominent revivalists, as the forty six-page entry titled "enjoying the company of your fellow KanesS", with an eight-page appendix on cutlery / torture devices, graphically attests. For reasons of good taste (no pun intended), that entry is not presented here. Instead, here is the entry on the Cue Cappan Roogafish.

The Cue Cappan Roogafish: This alien delicacy is a soft, delicately flavoured meat with exquisite kelpy undertones. It is becoming increasingly fashionable in some circles to enter the creature through the mouth. This presents no danger, since the Roogafish is not only toothless but utterly incapable of closing its massive jaws. The diner then has the choice of burrowing either straight up into the eyes, or straight down into the secondary brain. From either of these vantage points, a skilled diner might still make a start on the tasty, blood-rich oxygenation sacs before his more conventional guest, (who has entered through the top gill-slits) has a chance to tear through the tough filters and begin on the sacs. The chief disadvantage of the mouth entry, however, is that it can be immediately fatal to the fish, thus depriving the diner of the delightful death-throes that make a gill-entry the choice currently favoured by their majesties.

Whatever the entry, the filters make suitable meat for servants, but are best ignored by those with the funds to import this rare creature. Rumour has it that some of the frontier colonies are actually farming these fish in an effort to compete with imported meat and bring this treat into the price range of the shopkeeper classes. While the true connoiseur will always avoid farmed meat, which is both morally and gastronomically inferior to meat caught or found in its natural habitat, one should be particularly careful of farmed Roogafish, which are often infested with Cuppabugs, a type of parasitic larvae. Although Cuppabugs are tasty in themselves (see page 81), they have powerful pincers and have been known to maim incautious diners. The Roogafish itself is quite docile and harmless, and even healthy specimens can be safely entered and consumed. Other choice morsels include the grool-spleens (located behind the anterior gloobls) and the perkbags, which are behind the eyes in the male, behind the nose in the female, and just above the enflamed Moogrl-column in the neuter.

Other notable entries in the guidebook include the Surk, the crawler-mimics and bladdergarts of Daran II, a short and unenthusiastic piece about Overmind cube-meat, several pages about Cue cappans and, of course, extensive information about the Xiati (with sage warnings about accidentally eating cybernetic implants).
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Old August 31st, 2004, 04:52 PM
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Default Re: [OT] - Story thread: Xenology Resurrected

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Old September 1st, 2004, 11:33 AM
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Default Re: [OT] - Story thread: Xenology Resurrected

Princess Shrikeesh

Object : Trade agreement proposal
Added subject : insulting allegations
Added subject : buccaneer behavior

As representative of the Overmind, we are positively delighted by the interest you show us, and we would like to address you our warmest consideration. However, we have the sad feeling we will not be able to pay back such honor, as we have to bring you official answers not as satisfactory as you could have expected.

We have transmitted your trade proposal, which has been reviewed by Eden Prime's Overmind.

To understand our answer, please consider the following facts : your treaty involves allowing specialized specie members ( merchants ) to trade various materials. However, it assumes members of species or sub-species compete (internally or externally) for possession of these goods, within a civilization creation called "free market" in KanesS society. This organizational feat creates the need of currency, which facilitate the trade of goods. The complexity of such an organization is puzzling to us. What seems even weirder is that its creators do not seem to understand it completely as well, which is showed by the mere existence of KanesS Economists working out conflicting economic theory.

We have none of this.
We have no free market, no currency, no traders or Economic systems.
We have no basis on which to start exchanging goods. We have no need for your manufactured goods : we cannot use them. We have no tools your specie could use. We understand your will to import Organic material from Eden's Colony. But as it would not be in our best interest to comply, we have to decline any trade proposal at the present time.

Now to our second point, we would like to deny all allegations about our supposed warmongering and genocidal nature.We believe theses rumors were spread partly due to KanesS internal politics and the creation of a KanesS Navy, but nevertheless, we are not pleased by such assumptions, especially when you realize the Overmind is the only known space faring intelligence not born from predators or scavengers. However, we are indeed fighting an insectoid specie known as the Xi'Chung. We believe these insectoids saw our origin as a weakness, which would be an explanation to why they attempted to deal with us as they do with all species lacking the strength to resist them : extermination. But that erroneous assumption will prove to be their undoing. Indeed, Eden's VoidTigers have fought their way, system by system, battles after battles, cleansing insectoid colonies when they were discovered. Now, VoidTigers are setting up an advanced base adjacent to their home system. But rest assured we took all necessary steps to safeguard Xi'Chung's genetic pool, so when VoidTigers glass Xi Prime, their specie will be safe from oblivion.

Our Last point is about the KaneSS buccaneers that are preying on your northern frontier.
We have to signal that in two separate occasions ships from KanesS origin followed or tried to intercept a VoidHawk. On the first attempt, the Hawk simply out speed his pursuant, but on the second occasion, the Hawk felt threatened enough to fire a warning salvo. Only then the buccaneer cleared off the warp point. The Overmind is fully aware of your individual and unruly nature, which imply that someday, a KanesS buccaneer will try to capture a Hawk. Be advised that your specie will not bear responsibility for the acts of a few individuals issued from rejection gene pool. However, the Overmind suggests that should KaneSS buccaneers be warned that all Hawks will commit suicide rather than be eaten alive, the number of gung-ho captains would reduce significantly. Last but not least, the Overmind think your privateers should be warned that Eden's Tigers believe in Retaliation, and a captain who kills a Hawk or a Tiger would never be safe again. He would be hunted for the rest of his life.

In the hope that such words will be enough to avoid unnecessary deaths.

Eden Embassy
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagh'nagl fhtagn.
Ïa ! Ïa ! Cthulhu fhtagn ! Cthulhu fhtagn !
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Old September 7th, 2004, 06:26 AM
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Default Re: [OT] - Story thread: Xenology Resurrected

Amazing how quickly threads can drop to the second or third page...


First let me thank you for your gracious response to our trade proposal. While it is disappointing that you choose not to enter into trade with us, my Royal Parents are reassured by your evident desire for peaceful co-existence. The rumours to which you refer are nothing more than the idle but imaginative prattlings of the lower classes, who are prone to invention on those frequent occasions when their ignorance of a particular subject outweighs their knowledge. However the stories they circulate are harmless, and easily enough changed or forgotten when real facts come to light. My Royal Parents, the masters and true representatives of KanesS society, recognise your gentle nature and assure you that we too want nothing more than to enjoy a benevolent and compassionate interstellar relationship with our neighbours. As our relationship deepens, and understanding grows, the wild rumours of the workers will doubtless be dispelled.

As to your final point, the unfortunate incidents with the buccaneers are, sadly, the acts of rogue elements within our society. The KanesS have always treasured freedom, and this kind of behaviour is one of the prices we must pay for such freedom. It is not our way to seek conflict, except where to do so would be an act of mercy, as with the Xiati. You may rest assured that the aggressive actions on our northern frontiers do not represent the will or nature of the KanesS as a whole. It is unfortunate that you choose not to conduct trade with us, since I am unable to offer legal protection to your ships unless they have the diplomatic value that trade would bestow. However the privateer fleets will be warned against attacking you as you suggest, and we sincerely hope that no more incidents of the type you describe should occur.

Finally, we read with interest your troubles with the XiChung. We have no personal experience of this species, but we are always eager to learn about new life-forms, and to aid our allies. In our culture, nothing seals a friendship more securely than to feast together upon the flesh of a mutual enemy, and my Royal Parents have therefore authorised me to offer to you the services of our newly-formed Royal Fleet in your valiant struggle against the Xichung.
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