sabbath slave gives 100 fatigue,
Oh, that's true... Damn. Reinvigoration doesn't work, does it?
I didn't realize Vampires would go unconcious at the first moment. I thought that I would be able to fly/stealth group of them to a nice position in positive dominion, then attack. If I somehow got *anyone* with atleast one fire and either blood or astral I could make him lead communion, and with Skull he would be able to cast Phoenix Pyre. I quessed they all would most probably die, so I would just give them some slaves while they fly out of the citadel to meet another flaming death...
Skulls wouldn't have been very good choice, though, as I now realize a single fire gem would be enough. It would have been nice to set up some major carnage with Vampire Counts exploding all over the battlefield, but it would only have been some strange single-player fun. I think those Counts would become feebleminded quite fast...