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Old May 15th, 2006, 12:48 PM

RonGianti RonGianti is offline
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Default Re: SE5 release is only 3 weeks away!



Release date: Winter 2006

Oh poo.
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Old May 15th, 2006, 01:01 PM
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Default Re: SE5 release is only 3 weeks away!

i have to admit, the ground combat does look pretty bad. im sure its nice being able to have different troop types, and fighters, and possibly orbital bombardment all playing a factor.

But I think that I would have much prefered it in a non-interactive axis-and-alies style interface. much like se4, where you line up the us-vs-them and the various assest plunk away at each other.

even if facilities were going to come into play -- for defense, destruction, and capturing -- they could have been represented iconically on a summary page, instead of out of scale and in mid 90's 3D.
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Old May 15th, 2006, 02:48 PM
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Default Re: SE5 release is only 3 weeks away!

Given the history of SE IV, I think it's likely that SE V will be:

(1) "delayed", i.e. winter '06 sounds more reasonable than summer;

(2) a good, playable game on release, but much improved by numerous post-release patches and innumerable player mods.
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Old May 15th, 2006, 03:13 PM
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Default Re: SE5 release is only 3 weeks away!

Hunpecked said:
Given the history of SE IV, I think it's likely that SE V will be:

(1) "delayed", i.e. winter '06 sounds more reasonable than summer;

(2) a good, playable game on release, but much improved by numerous post-release patches and innumerable player mods.
And we all gave a loud cheer because of number 2.
*Weeps a bit first then cheers loudly and completely forgets about number 1.*
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Old May 15th, 2006, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: SE5 release is only 3 weeks away!

Puke said:
i have to admit, the ground combat does look pretty bad. im sure its nice being able to have different troop types, and fighters, and possibly orbital bombardment all playing a factor.
I second this. I would have been *FINE*, to say the least, if a model like in MoO2 or MoO3 would have used. Some nifty visuals, maybe some large-scale tactical decisions, but thats about it. It looks really ugly. Hopefully it has some kind of auto-resolve lol.
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Old May 15th, 2006, 06:17 PM
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Default Re: SE5 release is only 3 weeks away!

well, it must have an auto-resolve. just like 4, multiplayer games are supposed to be strategic-only. this kinda requires an auto-resolve.

unfortuneatly, after SE4, half the community whined for detailed ground combat. people complained that the existing interface seemed like an afterthought.

I'd much rather have the current system than some half-baked RTS clone.

Speaking of space games with ground combat, how about that Space Ranger 2?
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Old May 15th, 2006, 06:48 PM
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or Star General...?
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Old May 15th, 2006, 06:52 PM

frightlever frightlever is offline
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Default Re: SE5 release is only 3 weeks away!

Space Rangers 2 is a great game but the RTS isn't one of its high points, IMO. Either you'll like it or you won't. If you don't want to you don't have to ever fight an RTS battle (though you should probably play the tutorial battle just to find out.)

As for SE:V - feature creep can be a nasty thing. Just how long are games going to last if every battle, on the ground or above it, is fought on a tactical map? At least it'll be an option.

Who wouldn't have been happy with an enhanced Space Empires IV with swizier 24 bit 2D grafix (cos they look better 2D unless you're going to go the monster-requirements route needed for decent 3D performance.), higher resolution support and more tech trees? I'd have liked to see more complicated resource handling too. (ie resources needing to be moved around not just magically being Space Ported to massive warehouses dotted around your empire. Proper supply line management)

The Malfador website mentions new screens shots but if I check out the gallery the latest I can see are from 2005. I've been looking forward to SE:V but I never really looked too hard at the screenies before because in SE:IV the graphics just weren't an issue. But tonite I had a hard look at what there is of the screens and the interface looks crisp but the system map looks pretty drab and the tactical combat looks pretty bad, though that may be because it's a static image.

Really what I'm saying is I hope this new and improved Space Empires doesn't come across as some old slapper who piles on the makeup so she thinks she looks 21 again.

Anyway, too late to worry much now.

EDIT - and don't tell me that they had to go 3D to appeal to the mass market because this isn't ever going to be a mass market game. Gal Civ 2 already became that popular 4X game but how many SE:IV diehards see it as a similar game?
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Old May 15th, 2006, 07:27 PM
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Default Re: SE5 release is only 3 weeks away!

The Malfador website mentions new screens shots but if I check out the gallery the latest I can see are from 2005.

As has been mentioned before, the date is wrong. The latest batch is in fact new.

Gal Civ 2 already became that popular 4X game but how many SE:IV diehards see it as a similar game?

I think few see it as a similar game, but rather as a better game on most accounts. It may not be dumbed down enough for mass-market appeal though. GalCiv managed that part fine.
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Old May 15th, 2006, 07:56 PM
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Default Re: SE5 release is only 3 weeks away!

Say what?
SE5 is a Turn Based Strategy game.

Tactical combat of any sort is like cheating unless you're playing hotseat against humans

As for SE:V - feature creep can be a nasty thing. Just how long are games going to last if every battle, on the ground or above it, is fought on a tactical map? At least it'll be an option.The same amount of time as they do now?
Tactical combat is for those who can't stand the heat of playing the pros online. It is pretty much cheating against the AIs.

Only in hotseat multiplayer is it fair to use, and then, yeah, it will take forever.
Just play simulataneous turn games instead, and all will be well in the world until Eorg stomps you with 5000 fighters.
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