
March 9th, 2009, 02:26 PM
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Re: Lapis MA CBM Game Recruiting (12 / 15+)
I would have no problems with starting the game with only 11 players, if no other players arrive.
@Jazzepi: do you want the tomb kings from llamaserver or version 1.0?
btw. naps are absolutely and completely binding (at least as long as you have use for them  ).

March 9th, 2009, 03:33 PM
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Re: Lapis MA CBM Game Recruiting (12 / 15+)
Originally Posted by Hadrian_II
btw. naps are absolutely and completely binding (at least as long as you have use for them  ).
As my humor sensor broke a few decades ago, do I read this correctly when I read it to mean "Do not break a NAP unless you absolutely need to break it." rather than "If you break a NAP your butt will make a connection with my boot *and* your gaming privileges will be reduced by one MP."?

March 9th, 2009, 05:52 PM
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Re: Lapis MA CBM Game Recruiting (12 / 15+)
Originally Posted by Hadrian_II
I would have no problems with starting the game with only 11 players, if no other players arrive.
@Jazzepi: do you want the tomb kings from llamaserver or version 1.0?
btw. naps are absolutely and completely binding (at least as long as you have use for them  ).
The 1.0 version. I *assume* that llamabeast would have updated it on the server right away, but maybe he didn't.
Jarkko : I believe that was Hadrian_II's attempt at humor

March 9th, 2009, 06:02 PM
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Re: Lapis MA CBM Game Recruiting (12 / 15+)
Ooops, it looks like Llamabeast put out a little mini-update to fix the pretenders to bring them in line with CBM, he also rebalanced things a little, making some of the mages more expensive D: We should play the 1.01 version.

March 9th, 2009, 06:22 PM
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Re: Lapis MA CBM Game Recruiting (12 / 15+)
Originally Posted by Jarkko
Originally Posted by Hadrian_II
btw. naps are absolutely and completely binding (at least as long as you have use for them  ).
As my humor sensor broke a few decades ago, do I read this correctly when I read it to mean "Do not break a NAP unless you absolutely need to break it." rather than "If you break a NAP your butt will make a connection with my boot *and* your gaming privileges will be reduced by one MP."?
Actually it does say, dont break the naps while they are still useful to you, and if you do so you have to blame the victim.
about tombkings, i asked llama to update the version on the server so that i dont have to rename the mod to another name and cause needless trouble.

March 9th, 2009, 11:56 PM
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Re: Lapis MA CBM Game Recruiting (5 / 15+)
Originally Posted by Jarkko
Originally Posted by Jazzepi
These immortal units have to be summoned by what will be 500 gold piece mages :|
While that didn't answer my question (nice dodging there  ), I find it interesting that 500 gold can be seen as a major problem. How many such 500 gold mages would you have at around turn 40? 5, 15, 25? The problem with immortals is that they are sort of un-killable, so they tend to stick around and increase in number no matter how many you get "killed" a turn...
Since no one else clearly pointed this out... the 500 gp mages are cap only. They are also immortal, but when they die the first time they lose some of their magic (and won't be able to summon any more of the immortals). So it is quite possible to have fair numbers of them around, but they are going to be quite expensive to maintain. Also, the Immortals have an upkeep, unlike most summons. Anyway, the gem cost to summon them has just been doubled and they can still only be summoned one at a time, by mages who you desperately need to have doing many different things. So I don't think the Immortals should prove unreasonable.
Oh, and on turn 5 you probably will have one at a maximum. And you'd have to sacrifice either research or expansion to get it.

March 10th, 2009, 12:44 AM
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Re: Lapis MA CBM Game Recruiting (5 / 15+)
Originally Posted by rdonj
Oh, and on turn 5 you probably will have one at a maximum. And you'd have to sacrifice either research or expansion to get it.
I actually meant how many of the 500 gold mages would be around at turn 40, would the answer be 5, 15 or 25  I really need to tune up my communication skills 

March 10th, 2009, 01:00 AM
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Re: Lapis MA CBM Game Recruiting (12 / 15+)
Oh. Well, in that case probably 30+, unless they've been used very aggressively. I guess your question was clear enough, just my interpretation was off.

March 10th, 2009, 07:19 PM
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Re: Lapis MA CBM Game Recruiting (12 / 15+)
OK, i opened the game at llamaserver ( http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=Lapis).
I still hope that someone else is joining especially a second water nation so that vfb can join us too.

March 10th, 2009, 10:33 PM
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Re: Lapis MA CBM Game Recruiting [last call for players]
I'll play. I'd love to fill out the water but I'm a bit burnt out on water nations at the moment. I'll take Agartha.
My guides to Mictlan, MA Atlantis, Eriu, Sauromatia, Marverni, HINNOM, LA Atlantis, Bandar, MA Ulm, Machaka, Helheim, Niefleheim, EA Caelum, MA Oceana, EA Ulm, EA Arco, MA Argatha, LA Pangaea, MA T'ien Ch'i, MA Abysia, EA Atlantis, EA Pangaea, Shinuyama, Communions, Vampires, and Thugs
Baalz good player pledge
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