Hey JK, nice to have your feedback too
, it's been quite a task to get it this far but if you don't mind a bit below average graphs and nations with not (yet) as much background as most dominions races the gameplay should be decent.
Making spaceform for nearly every troops is quite annoying but just giving some troops space helmets was the only thing I could really think of.. and it's not as hard as giving them a whole new sprite (sprites are hard for me
I heard the linux comment before and I'm trying to correct it somewhat but when I heard a few nations and most base weapons I use where already done... can't even promiss new nations won't ahve it since on my system it doesn't give errors so I won't notice it. I'll look into the orc tank hero since I tend to borrow my sprites of the internet and then adapt them I've had some start with a alpha channel which makes them not recognized as the black which needs to be transparant, but just as pure black.
I'd love it if I could get a spacy back ground !!! would increase the feel for space a 100 times..
About the seaprovince.. when others started this idea they started it about seashapes etc.. when I actually made a nation I noticed it isn't playable though. Several reasons:
- Movement with spaceships should be fast, not limited to 1 prov/turn.. though considering how large space is between planets and that on the maps they should be considered as "zoomed" in that wouldn't be the largest province.
- Biggest issue was this: spaceage dominions is not only about being in space, it's also about having more ranged weapons (though I try to include as many excuses for melee weapons since the combat system isn't nearly as much fun with only ranged weapons since it was not made for that.)
anyway as you know sea provinces and ranged combat are an exceptionally bad combination.
all in all forest use as space isn't that much of a problem except that I can't make ships that need to stay in space and all troops can walk into space and they will unless I make spaceform for them to discourage it. (which ranges from just having lowerstats to being in a freighter not being able to do anything.)
Ow and fate, darkwind is right that suggestion to use death was from Amos mod (I've tried not to change to much in his mod) he wanted pop to decrease under insect rule which is why he thought to thematic, I think he's already replaced it with a sort of deathdominions now that command is added to our modding arsenal.
anyway sailing could've been nice but if I want to create hyperspace lanes I can just link provinces which are distant.
On assasination: I've not played much with assassins much so I might just have underestimated it... it's not been THAT much of a problem yet so I'm leaving it for now.
On spacemines: yeah selfdestruct doesn't seem to do what I want, I've not encountered much mines myself though can some one tell me if they do actually attack or that they just don't hit them selves?
Rdonj: spaceeels are meant to be problematic as indies they shoudl I was hoping for them to be some sort of indie anti thug.
And as a summons for R'lyeh I think they will be devastating when equipped (I'll see if I can get there in our game