DryaUnda said:
Sort of. I'm opening up Oceania up for a substitute.
(Technical difficulties? I was wondering how I could miss two turns.)
If you are going to look for sub, I would encourage you to start a thread on this MP forum. Otherwise nobody is going to notice your intention. Meanwhile if you could make this turn it would be great, since it would give your future sub a nation in better shape.
(The next hosting will occur in 48 hours)
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About the game - I have to say that this is one of the most challenging and balanced Dom2/3 game that I ever played over the last 3 years. My compliments to AdmiralZhao of Mictlan.
His forces are pushing my defences extremely hard. Many dozens of fully-equiped enemy tartarians and other SCs riding the endless tidal waves of hundreds of doom bats and sacred troops, backed by various high level mages and priests, slowly devour my land and my people, despite my best efforts to stop them.
Each turn brings 40-60 battles, 3/4 against Mictlan, the rest against his allies Fomoria and Oceania.
I am desperetly fighting for every inch of the land, but I am slowly losing castles to relentless Mictlan assault. Nevertheless my main defence lines are still holding, at least for now. What worries me the most is that despite terrible losses inflicted on Mictlan as a price for conquering my land, his forces keep growing while mine are getting smaller, according to graphs. The Mictaln has turned half of the map into blood farms to feed his enormous war machine, and between magical PD global enchantment and level 9 blood combat magic, his blood priests are very difficult to kill.
Nevertheless there is still hope for besieged Sauromatian Empire. I have managed to repell two major attacks by Mictlan on my southern castles over the last two turns, killing a lot of his SCs. And I still control enemy capital.
Also my troops fare much better against Fomoria and Ocenaia, as well as Marveni's AI. However these allies of Blood Lord still distract the large part of my forces. Fomoria is especialy troublesome, with their teleporting Kings SCs.
If I could concentrate all my avaliable troops against Mictlan without worring about his allies, I think I could fight him to the standstill. Alas, I doubt it is going to happen.
All and all, the global war rages on. The next few turns are going to be very interesting to watch.
P.S. If any of the remaining human players would like to share their views on the current situation in the game, it would be great. These AARs are often a lot of fun to read.