OT: any other games?
Hey all...while I wait for the week of the 17th of November, I was wondering if anybody else has any other games they are playing? Or, any other games you know about that are good?
I have been checking into an old classic game, Empire Deluxe Internet Edition. Haven't bought it yet, still trying to decide if I like it....
At any rate, what games are out there where you can pay with credit card over the net, and then d/l the actual game? anyone know of any?
oh, yeah, another one that i am thinking about getting is War! Age of Imperialism....
What are your suggestions???
NOW playing: Dominions 3; Diablo 2; Silverfall; Out of the Park Baseball 9; Wrestling's Finest
wanna check out a great Cards & Dice game? www.gwfwrestling.com/home.htm
I only know one language: Hillbilly
Your mileage may vary, but mine always stays the same