Everyone is ready!
Also, I got this message from llamaserver, sorry that it is spam, but I'm not in the game it's warning about. Does llamaserver get confused sometimes???? Or is someone in that game using my E-mail address? Do I need to call in homeland security to fix things?????
Hello from the LlamaServer!
This message is just to let you know that I received a 2h file from you, and it seems to be fine.
Game name: BloodAstralorDeath_BSoD
Nation: Late Era Marignon
Turn number: 78
Who's sent their turn in:
Marignon 2h file received
Bogarus 2h file received
Atlantis Waiting for 2h file
Ermor 2h file received
C'tis Waiting for 2h file
Abysia Waiting for 2h file
The turn will process when all 2h files have been received, or at the latest at 19:48 GMT on Saturday August 11th.
You can check this information at any time at