So; this is something I knocked out over a few hours with ChatGPT + Fred Chlanda's old SHPEd code that he released decade(s) ago.
You might be wondering "Where's the file? Where's everything?"
Everything is contained in that HTML file; you can open it up; it's only 275 lines of code to inspect (of which 40 are used to define the SPCAMO palette).
A lot has changed over the last 15 years -- web browsers have become standardized multi-purpose machines with Javascript + HTML5 elements -- there was some early tentative steps this way back with Panzer Command and a scenario generator/editor that used Internet Explorer; but it was the early days of that and it quickly broke with the advance of the internet.
But now that things have standardized, as long as you don't attempt to do anything too crazy; HTML5 code will last a long(er) time (hopefully).
Right now; this is just a "proof of concept" to prove that you can read SHP files and display them graphically in a Chrome-based browser (which is everything nowadays). I've tested it in Chrome + Edge and they both work.
Potential future work:
1.) Integrating the Master Icon Lists so that you know right away what something is without having to cross check.
2.) Figuring out how to dump the SHP icon files with their header data included so that you can easily import them into other SHP files and everything automagically updates.
3.) Integrating other Palettes (and option of loading your own JASC PIC PAL file)
But for now I'm just going to sit back and see what shakes out of this -- the biggest advantage of this primitive v0 is that you now can use a modern Windows dialogue/file path box, allowing cut and pasting of your SPCAMO path instead of having to navigate up down the file tree to it.