
February 17th, 2005, 12:05 AM
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Re: hello and help
narf poit chez BOOM said:
Renegade 13 said:
Sorry to derail the topic (slightly) but:
Would it be worth it to buy MOO II?? Cost would be about $10 US.
You found a place to buy MOO2? Where?
Ebay. I'm assuming that MOO2: Battle at Antares is what MOO2 is  Never heard it called that before, just "MOO2".
Oh yeah, here's the link in case you wanted it:
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day that says "I'll try again tomorrow".
Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future.
Download the Nosral Confederacy (a shipset based upon the Phong) and the Tyrellian Imperium, an organic looking shipset I created! (The Nosral are the better of the two [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Grin.gif[/img] )

February 17th, 2005, 12:16 AM
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Re: hello and help
MOO2 is also available on Amazon new for $9.99.

February 17th, 2005, 01:40 AM
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Re: hello and help
yes the complete name is Master of Orion 2: Battle at antares
If you see a light at the end of a wormhole its a photon torpedo!
You think is such three dimensional way, how small have you become - Borg Queen.
Whatever that thing was the Shivans got one less of them now - S.O.C. Freespace 2
We're the borg, lower your shields and surrender your ships, we will add your technological and biological distintiveness to our own your race will adapt to serve us, resistant is futile.

February 17th, 2005, 01:44 AM
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Re: hello and help
Makinus said:
This donīt look to be true anymore.... a fan released an "OCL Editor" for MOO2 that lets you mod nearly anything, with the sole exception being the AI, but i found it more interesting the capability of modding the tech tree...
Ooooohhhh.... *drools* Thanks for the info! Now if I can just bash MOO2 into working on win2k...
Zereth said:
MOO2 is also available on Amazon new for $9.99.
This would be a far better deal than any Ebay purchase.
Master Belisarius said:
I have played most the games named here (SEIV, BOTF, MOO1 to 3, Pax Imperia 2, GalCiv, etc), and in my view, SEIV it's the best hands down... but my favorite second was MOO2.
Purchase this game by 10 bucks, it's a true bargain!
My sentiments exactly!

February 17th, 2005, 02:02 AM
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Re: hello and help
Ooooohhhh.... *drools* Thanks for the info! Now if I can just bash MOO2 into working on win2k...
for me it works ALMOST perfectly but sometimes the programs seems to crash or something and i ended on the windows desktop.
and something i don't know if you know it, but windows 2k, has (at least on the service pack 2), a "compatibility mode" like XP, to enable it, you must register a DLL if my memory don't fails it's name is slayerui.dll, it's on "[WinDir]\apppath\", for example, on a DOS box you type, "regsvr32 c:\windows\apppath\slayerui.dll", and message box should appear telling you it's successfull etc, then you create a shortcut to the program EXE, then go to the shortcut properties and you'll a tab with the name "Compatibility" (i'm seeing it right now), you can try this if you have problems under W2k.
If you see a light at the end of a wormhole its a photon torpedo!
You think is such three dimensional way, how small have you become - Borg Queen.
Whatever that thing was the Shivans got one less of them now - S.O.C. Freespace 2
We're the borg, lower your shields and surrender your ships, we will add your technological and biological distintiveness to our own your race will adapt to serve us, resistant is futile.

February 17th, 2005, 02:03 AM
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Re: hello and help
what the hell happened with my post?!?!?!?!?!?
sorry about that, damn opera...., some moderator delete this post if you want.
If you see a light at the end of a wormhole its a photon torpedo!
You think is such three dimensional way, how small have you become - Borg Queen.
Whatever that thing was the Shivans got one less of them now - S.O.C. Freespace 2
We're the borg, lower your shields and surrender your ships, we will add your technological and biological distintiveness to our own your race will adapt to serve us, resistant is futile.

February 17th, 2005, 03:24 AM
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Re: hello and help
Imperator Fyron said:
Zereth said:
MOO2 is also available on Amazon new for $9.99.
This would be a far better deal than any Ebay purchase. 
Why, what's wrong with Ebay?? Remember, it's not just the box price that matters to me, its the shipping...many places want up to an extra $7.50 US just for the shipping...the place I linked to will give you shipping to Canada for $2.50. More than enough to make up for what Ebay's commissions cost.
(By the way Fyron, in TGE3 your planets are coming. My internet was down for 2 days and I missed the turn deadline. Have sent you the gift this current turn. Just posted it here because I'm too lazy to send an email  )
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day that says "I'll try again tomorrow".
Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future.
Download the Nosral Confederacy (a shipset based upon the Phong) and the Tyrellian Imperium, an organic looking shipset I created! (The Nosral are the better of the two [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Grin.gif[/img] )

February 17th, 2005, 07:26 AM
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Re: hello and help
Imperator Fyron said:
Ooooohhhh.... *drools* Thanks for the info! Now if I can just bash MOO2 into working on win2k...
Yeah, Moo2 and XP donīt mix well... why you donīt do what i did? I created a dual-boot (three-boot if you count a linux partition) system with windows 98 and windows XP... when i wish to play calssic games like moo2 i use my win98 partition, and for everything else i use XP...
My notebook (where i play mostly, since i travel a lot) is divided in this way:
2 GB - Win98 (fat32) partition
2 GB - WinXP (NTFS) partition
1 GB - Linux partition
25 GB - FAT32 partition with all games and programs...
2 GB is more than enough for a dedicated WinXP partition, sicne all non-system programs can be installed in the fat32 partition withut any problems... i noticed that 2GB for win98 is too overkill and i believe that a 1GB partition should be more than enough, but iīm too lazy to change it now...
Currently Playing:
Megamek (latest dev version with home-made random campaign generator), Dominions 3 (with CBM) and Sins of a Solar Empire (heavily modded)

February 17th, 2005, 08:27 AM
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Re: hello and help
Fine, I will re-install Moo2 and give it a whirl. OBT, Nexus (Fomerly Imperium Galatica III) has been released if any one is interested. It is not like IGII, it is more of a fleet battle sim than a 4x game. (A lot more)
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.

February 17th, 2005, 09:17 AM
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Re: hello and help
MOO2 doesn't work well in W2K. I get crashes on the desktop when I play further and game grows. At early game there is no problems. W98 and W95 it works perfectly.
If you still want to play it on W2K, make sure, that end of every turn you browse through your production list (start this at around after turn 150 or first crash) and be sure the there is no queue going empty next turn. It often crashes just after turn execution when your "empty production list" colonies are thrown in front of you before you start playing turn. Avoid this.
Also, if your game crahses so that you can't see anything, or mouse doesn't work, your keyboard still works. Just hit esc until you are on main screen, then push G to go to game menu, push S to go to save, hit Enter to save, hit esc to go back on game menu and hit Q to quit and then Enter to confirm. THat way you can save your game even when your mouse doesn't work. Also keep autosave on all the time.
MOO2 was one of the greatest strategy games I have ever played. Unfortunately it is not (very) moddable (I haven't vehcked those links mentioned in this thread) but still it's THE GAME.
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But if you teach a man to fish, he will buy an ugly hat;
And if you talk about a fish to a starving man, then you're a consultant
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