President_Elect_Shang said:
What if I wanted to create a component which worked like an anti-engine? Instead of reducing damage by 90% it would increase damage by 300%; however, the 300% damage from the “Weapon Delivery Type Damage Received Modifier Percent” ability must be restricted to only that one component. Can it be done?
First his: StarFire ships are enveloped by the engines drive field which causes the range finding lasers of an attacking ship to miss-read the actual physical location of the target. Thus when the calculations are run the firing solution produced is already incorrect before the weapon has even fired
I was reading another thread, and I was going to ask something about this as well. Supposedly the damage types that are supposed to effect certain components, like weapons and engines will only take effect if the shields and armor are eliminated first. I was wondering if this can be tweaked with the Penetration and Damage percentage lines?
If there is a shield, then a Engine effecting weapon that you dont want effected by the shield would have a 100% Penetration vs that type of shield, then effect the engine.
Requirement 1 Description := Only destroys components that generate movement.
Requirement 1 Formula := Does_Component_Have_Ability("Movement Standard")
Am I groking this correctly?
As for the science behind beams and engines in SF, sounds alot like Honor Harrington effects as well...Gee I guess they were written by the same guy....