View Poll Results: What's your favorite EA nation?
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T'ien Chi
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Tir na n'Og
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5.81% |

April 4th, 2008, 10:18 PM
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Re: What\'s your favorite nation and why?
Baalz said:
That's funny...not one vote for Vanhiem in any age. Where'd all the "Vans are overpowered" guys go? I think I'll play them next...
I think people are voting for the nations they enjoy playing the most, not the ones they think are most powerful. Only sometimes are those nations the same.
I voted EA C'tis, MA Mictlan, LA Rlyeh. Van is my second choice in MA.
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April 6th, 2008, 06:01 AM
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Re: What\'s your favorite nation and why?
EA-I remember really having fun with Caelum in SP because it was the first time I really made strategic use of weather. I was fighting Abysia, so hitting provinces with Wolven Winter before I attacked them really made a difference. And having super-easy access to very high path Air was fun.
Recently I had a fun game as Tir Na Nog. You don't have national archers anyway, so using Storm to boost air evocations is no big deal, and you can just Sing all your fatigue away.
MA-Played lots of nations here, so this was a tough call. I like ancient Greece, and MA Arco is definitely "classical" Greece, and leading Hoplites/Peltasts with Strategoi just felt cool. (Overshadowed by Elephants, sadly, but they have their own charms.) Having fun as Jotunheim (the Moose Riders are sorta fun, but about as bad as everyone says, though Giant Werewolves rock!) MA Pan has awesome units (recuperation! by a time another faction's unit gets 3-4 XP stars they're usually wrecked...) But in the end I picked Ulm, even though I figured they would be well-represented. Something about getting all the mileage you can out of 2E1F is fun, and plus, I like forging items.
LA-LA Ulm was my first blood nation, but getting a good pretender design was hard for me. (Imagine when I foolishly took Drain-2, because I was ULM, after all...) Also like Atlantis, the Inuit theme is nifty.

June 30th, 2008, 05:56 PM
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LA Atlantis gets love
Kristoffer O said:
Hadrian_II said:
Omnirizon said:
I'm surprised to see LA Atlantis so popular. I'd always felt they were one of the more lackluster nations; both thematically and substantively. They have a good backstory, but I just don't feel it portrayed well in the troops and summons. There is something just missing with that nation, it isn't quite there for me. And their substantive ability, doesn't feel on par with some other nations; maybe its just me.
KO is playing LA Atlantis in an MP game at the moment and as nations he plays get usually buffed you might see some signigicant changes to Atlantis soon
Don't be so sure of that. LA Atlantis is both fun and powerful and splendid and undefeatable and Inuit and cute. Thus no changes are needed They are already way too powerful.
They even smote the Abysian god mute, but you already know that
Made me smile...
due in next patch....
24th june
* New monster modding commands: #watershape, #landshape, #forestshape, #plainshape, #unique, #stormimmune, #startaff, #bloodvengeance, #stonebeing, #leper, #beckon.
* LA Atlantis uw recruitment improved.
* LA Atlantis hero.
edit: more descriptive URL
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June 30th, 2008, 07:19 PM
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Re: LA Atlantis gets love
I like:
EA: C'tis, Ermor, Marverni
MA: Ashdod
LA: Agartha
As you can see I'm a big fan of recruitable-anywhere mages.  I used to like Helheim but without the Svartalfs I am sad.
P.S. Ashdod is like LA Agartha crossed with Niefelheim with a dash of Pythium thrown in. Awesome mages, awesome sacreds, awesome summons. Just crazy strong.
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June 30th, 2008, 07:45 PM
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Re: LA Atlantis gets love
From the earliest version of Dominions its been Pangaea for me. The RPG of it fit the neo-pagan druidism of me. Also I tended to love the sneak-army strategies that got such low play.
Now I can fall in love with pretty much any nation which seems underplayed, under-appreciated, and under-understood in its built-in abilities.
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June 30th, 2008, 08:52 PM
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Monkey PD
LA Patala. Because it PWNZ.

June 30th, 2008, 09:30 PM
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Re: What\'s your favorite nation and why?
My sentimental favorite is MA Ulm. They're the second nation I played in the original Dominions, and still an SP favorite. I like trying to conquer the world with Ulmish anti-magic philosophy, in a game that is so balanced against their main tactic. Against the AI, it has a decent chance, and provides an interesting thematic handicap.
I also like Ashen Ermor a lot because it transforms the strategy and gameplay so much. That was another thing that hooked me on the original Dominions - that different nations' strategies could be entirely different from each other.
I'm also a fan of most of the others...

July 10th, 2008, 04:22 PM
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Re: deleted
I tend to like to play the percieved (or actual) underdog in any game I pick up. Regardless of what happens after that point I usually stick with that team or character, even if it gets buffed later on because I grow to like them. On that theme I usually start out any RPG playing as a female Fighter before trying any other combo, so for Dominions I picked Sauramatia. I was slighly dismayed that their most powerful units are the androphag anyway. Sort of defeats the point with the team name : P
Since then I've heard that they actually belong to the high tier of EA teams. Oh well, too late to change now! ;D
For the middle ages it's slighly harder to choose, so I went for Machaka, because they ride ****in' huge spiders, and you can't get much cooler than that without actually bringing out Buer or something.
Late age was a simpler choice though, because of my RPG-playing style: defense is the best defense. Ulm! I only wish they'd get a team-specific spell that raises magic defense on top of their evil armor class ^^ I also hope future patches will grant us the ability to build mines to raise resource production by spending gold : /

July 10th, 2008, 07:59 PM
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Re: What\'s your favorite nation and why?
Seems to me the Sauromatian amazons hold up pretty well in comparison to the Androphags except for the Witch Kings.
As for Ulm, they do have such a spell: Tempering the Will.

July 11th, 2008, 12:24 PM
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Re: What\'s your favorite nation and why?
Well, magic is strongest and most important in EA, so I was sort of refering to the Witch Kings. : )
Humm... so they do... Heh, shows how big of a noob I am : P
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