
January 10th, 2011, 11:25 PM
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Re: End game diversity mod
What paths are needed for the Grendlkind?

January 11th, 2011, 12:23 AM
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Re: End game diversity mod
[opens dominions 3, starts game with EDM, goes to research menu, finds "Call Grendelkin" and looks at paths required]

January 11th, 2011, 12:41 AM
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Re: End game diversity mod
Originally Posted by TheConway
[opens dominions 3, starts game with EDM, goes to research menu, finds "Call Grendelkin" and looks at paths required]
Well, well, isn't that a sombre way to give an answer? Useless, rude, and nonsensical. You know, some people actually can't play games always, like at work, but that still doesn't stop one from pondering the game for example under lunch-hours.
The answer to Grudgebringers question: Water3, Earth3. It is an Enchantment8 spell.
There are three kinds of people: Those who can count and those who can not.

January 11th, 2011, 03:19 AM
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Re: End game diversity mod
Originally Posted by Jarkko
Originally Posted by TheConway
[opens dominions 3, starts game with EDM, goes to research menu, finds "Call Grendelkin" and looks at paths required]
Well, well, isn't that a sombre way to give an answer? Useless, rude, and nonsensical. You know, some people actually can't play games always, like at work, but that still doesn't stop one from pondering the game for example under lunch-hours.
The answer to Grudgebringers question: Water3, Earth3. It is an Enchantment8 spell.
good point..... oh wait. it's actually even FASTER to click about 3 times and get to the EDM mod thread on this forum and look on the first post. what a thought

January 11th, 2011, 07:37 AM
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Re: End game diversity mod
Well, isn't this qute. First Sombre shows up to troll this thread, then Frozen Lama follow. Didn't both of you mention you would never again get to these forums? You should ask the admins to let you have your old accounts back, no need to hide behind silly alts, is there? Or if you can't be bothered to do that, may I please ask you two to stop spewing your bile here? You can, after all, swim in your own more sombre poison pit as much as you want.
There are three kinds of people: Those who can count and those who can not.

January 11th, 2011, 09:41 AM
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Re: End game diversity mod
I don't think you're right Jarkko. In any case your posts have been far more unpleasant than theirs. People on most forums tend to point out when a question could have been easily answered by the questioner. Not that it wouldn't have been more helpful to just answer, but I think you're overreacting.
Anyway, please let's not let this thread get off topic. Any further comments people have on the EDM are extremely welcome. QM is planning to release a new version of CBM quite soon, and we will work together on any changes to the included version of CBM. So if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on changes or balance, now is the ideal time (I will probably be making notes on comments and considering changes in the next few days).

January 11th, 2011, 11:38 AM
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Re: End game diversity mod
Originally Posted by llamabeast
I don't think you're right Jarkko. In any case your posts have been far more unpleasant than theirs. People on most forums tend to point out when a question could have been easily answered by the questioner. Not that it wouldn't have been more helpful to just answer, but I think you're overreacting.
I may be overreacting, and I apologise for that. However, PriestyMan *is* Frozen Lama. PriestyMan took over FL's positions in all MPs, PriestyMan has a habit of signing his messages "-FL", not to mention that it is rather easy to check what IP he is using  Likewise, Conman, err... I mean TheConway, is Sombre. I don't believe the admins (or you llamabeast  ) would be so stupid they haven't figured it out a long time ago (you know, if somebody really wanted to be a bit more careful about revealing their true identity, they would take measures to prevent people checking what IP they are using when posting/messaging under different names  ), and why measures haven't been taken is beyond me. Perhaps these banned people were given a second chance as long as they behave? Maybe I did step over the line by "revealing" them, and if I need to be reprimanded for that then that is what needs to be done. But I for one would not want to see the bile throwing start again when somebody asks a honest question.
But indeed, enough of this poo. Good to hear a new version of EDM is coming with CBM, hopefully the nature summons become worthwhile then 
There are three kinds of people: Those who can count and those who can not.

January 11th, 2011, 03:39 PM
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Re: End game diversity mod
I'm Sombre? I like to think I'm rather happier than that poor fellow.
Comment on EDM: For the most part it seems the purpose of the summons is more in line with utility/light thugability rather than true SCing. The only summon really capable of being a tart-level SC is the Ember Lord, which is quite good. Other than that, they seem to be much more useful in combination with armies, or as forging/ritual/siege support. The Asynja is decent as a light raider and occasional RoS caster, and the treelord has some promise if it cost less/other gemtype.

January 11th, 2011, 03:44 PM
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Re: End game diversity mod
Well, we've passed turn 60 in the game I'm playing with EDM, so I guess I have enough of a sample size to provide some feedback.
Roc: Too expensive and not powerful enough to use in battle, I think his role is limited to mobile sieger. (And patroller when you happen to not be sieging anything.) He's less efficient gem-wise than Gate-cleavers, but without the hammer discount the difference is small, and sometimes you just have more air gems lying around. Also, you don't have to choose between using a useful unit for the sole purpose of carrying the gate cleaver, or giving it to someone expendable, who might die from an earthquake or other battlefield-wide effect. I summoned one to help with a siege, then promply lost him to an AI Niefelheim counterattack while he was flying over.
Shishi's: The cheapest teleport capable raiders you can get, and strong enough to clear out any amount of PD. Also beefy enough and capable of inficting a decent amount of damage to use as part of bigger armies. I have not seen them fare well against other thugs though, even being pounded into the dust time and again by Raksharaja's, who, as demons, should be their prefered targets. (Note that the Raksharaja's were fully kitted out though, so probaly represented a bigger gem investment than a Shishi, on top of their gold cost.)
Asynja's: I haven't seen them get much love, but I like them. (Allthough it might have something to do with being a sucker for air magic, while not really enjoying most of the heavy-air nations in the game, so any summon with air magic gets my vote.) Those with at least 1E can be used as heavy duty SC's/bruisers with all the earth and air buffs, or, alternatively, teleporting RoS casters. Possibly with the use earth boots. Those with at least one extra air pick can form the core of army-busting "Wrathful skies + a few heavy duty bruisers" squads. I see less use for those who only get blood and/or death picks, unless you need to break into blood magic. With enough boosters A/B gets you a Robe of the Magi though.
Ember Lords: In one word: Awesome. They carry a hefty price tag, but they're the kings of the battlefield. Give them earthboots (not mandatory, but recommended in many situations) and enough reinvigoration and script Phoenix Pyre, earthpower, iron will (if needed) and invulnerability (or a less fatiguing iron skin if you're not afraid of lightning.) With appropiate resists they'll survive anything.
Zmey: Not very impressed. Too expensive for chaff clearing, and while they might be able to kill a medium-level SC it's very hit and miss and they're vulnerable to SC's themselves so I wouldn't use them in an anti-sc role unless you're desperate. Mostly conjecture and watching other peaples Zmey's performances though, didn't use them myself in MP.
Firebird: No opinion for now.
Wendigo: Excellent for their price. (Which obviously take into account the wait for them to grow up.) With quickness and Soul-Vortex can do lots of damage to both strong targets or masses of troops depending on their equipment. They are somewhat vulnerable to heavy hitters though. I lost one to a Zmey, and another to Lankan Sacreds. Can also take over the Kokyatids W gem to D mage conversion role if you're not pressed for time.
Grendelkin: They look good to me on paper, but allthough I have summoned a few they haven't seen heavy action yet. They look perfectly suited to accompany armies, both to take out opposing SC's (Gloves of the Gladiator!) and as damage sink.
Kraken: Not used yet. I'll withhold judgement untill I'm ever involved in an underwater war and have to decide if I want to spend my W gems on them or something else.
Mechanical Giant: Pronounced strengths and weaknesses, and as such somewhat situational. Stay away from anyone capable of casting opposition, but useful if either you or your opponent want(s) to dominate the battlefield with the mass-elemental damage enchants. Low hit points will allways make their use risky, but they are cheap. I used mine fully equiped, (and they died, after doing some nice stuff and some sucky stuff) but am now wondering about using them as disposable thugs with minimal equipment. Early pseudo-SC for people rushing for artifacts. If MA Agarthan Dominion works as reported the hp hike takes them into true SC levels, as long as you stay away from opposition. (the spell that is)
Cyclops: I sank a ton of earth-gams into gate cleavers and even siege-golems for a remote-distance campaign, so haven't tried them yet. I haven't quite figured out what to use them for yet.
Ettin: No natural armor, no resistances, no magic, and lowish MR. They'll die to something whatever you do. 3 arms, high strength and decent attack skill seem to indicate a role of anti-SC, but they lack the teleportation to catch them on their own, and if you use them in an army they'll die whatever you do. (Possibly after killing thier target, but they will die.) Gem-sink for the unwary, stay away. (Regardless of cost decrease. Make them free, and the gems to equip them for SC-killing would probably still make them not worth it.)
Treant: As most others have said before: don't have spare nature gems, haven't used.
Last edited by Amhazair; January 11th, 2011 at 03:49 PM..
Reason: clarification

January 11th, 2011, 04:59 PM
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Re: End game diversity mod
C'mon PM, no sense in dogpiling, I actually expect more from you.
Conway/Sombre/whoever...We got into it within 2 weeks of me joining this community and I told you then I didn't need your type of help, sarcastic, demeaning, and mostly full of S***. I honestly still feel the same way now, so jump somebody else. And your sure welcome to ban me from the other forum if you feel up to it.
I have not played the endgame diversity mod as I have been on the wagon so to speak for a while. I thought the Grindle was kinda neat and wanted to read up about it, but honestly didn't know know how/where/etc. If you think they are beneath you, or you don't have the time, or perhaps just don't want to...THEN DON'T ANSWER THE F******* QUESTION!!
Let others who feel more inclined to help do it.
Thanks Jarkko, it is/was much appreciated.
PM, you know I don't mess about with computers much, and I need to ask questions to get directed in the right direction. It kind of suprised me you responed like that.
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