No, I would not call a ship with a design intent of providing supplies a warship, even tho it enters combat. But a ship designed with the intent of launching battle sats for planetary bombardment or ship attack would be, as that was the INTENT of the design. And as for a weapon on it, I have placed PDCs on them, but not all the time. does that make them a warship because they are a one-gun wonder? I don't believe so, it is the several sats it is going to launch at strategic locations that make it such.
Don't get me wrong, I can see you POV regarding warships, and I understand the intent of the poll. besides, it's your poll. you could exclude transports, troops and sats yet include banana peels if you wanted. the poll is {out of the chassis listed, which are your favorite}.
Don't want to hijack the thread on a debate about what constitutes a warship. (unless you want to keep the debate going. lol)