Yay feedback from the master himself!
I think it all looks much better now too. Rdonj, your feedback has of course been noted, I wondered if you maybe had more to say.
As a reply on what you said:
- nice the blue planet looks better, was the intention
- Nice space battles look better
- I'm not responsible for the Neoclidia sprites
- let met know which space provs look like forest please and I'll change them.
- I'll have a closer ingame look a the black hole pic.
Anyway if you have nice backgrounds just send me the pic and I'll add them.. it's very very easy so you can even check it yourself if it looks better. It actually works with pics of all sizes but then it just takes a box from the center it shows (I guess the nearest 512-1024 etc in range or something) If you have something you like just name it spacebackground**.tga and send it to me and I can change a few numbers in the mod too. (or I can add it to a specific province if you want that.
- I was wondering about the background on the city planet middle right is that acceptable or does it look weird?
I'll change the bugs for a next version. The drones should be spacemines actually so something not right there.
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